Influence of limited access to technology on the academic and emotional development of students in the COVID-19 context in Ecuador

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Angel Fabricio Ortiz-Barba
Teresa Paola Regalado-Hualca
Juan Carlos Suarez-Pérez


The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on education and mental health in young people around the world; evidencing that one of the main barriers faced by students in this context is the limited access to technology, which had a negative impact on academic and emotional development. The objective of the research is to determine the influence of limited access to technology on the academic and emotional development of students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology employed is a literature review supported by Gowin's V method, which included the search of scientific articles in several databases such as Scopus, Latindex, WoS, among others, and the selection of those that met the inclusion criteria. The results revealed that the limited access to technological tools hindered young people's learning, and they also had difficulties in maintaining contact with others, both situations led to educational lag and affected emotional well-being, increasing levels of anxiety, stress and social isolation. It was found that those who have limited access to technology have greater difficulties in participating in classes and completing their homework, which has a negative impact on academic performance and self-esteem. Likewise, the lack of social interaction, which is usually vital in the development of young people, was minimal, which exacerbated the problems already mentioned. In conclusion, the lack of technological tools negatively affected the academic and emotional development of students during the COVID-19 pandemic and even today. Therefore, it is imperative to take measures to ensure access to technology and the necessary resources to learn and develop in an ideal environment, in which students have the opportunity to develop their academic and emotional potential, even in difficult times such as those experienced today. 


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How to Cite
Ortiz-Barba , A. ., Regalado-Hualca , T. ., & Suarez-Pérez , J. . (2025). Influence of limited access to technology on the academic and emotional development of students in the COVID-19 context in Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 415-427.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Angel Fabricio Ortiz-Barba , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario España - Ecuador

Clinical Psychologist by profession with a master's degree in Psychology, mention in Intervention, currently Coordinator of the Active Aging Program of the IESS, which I have been performing for more than 8 years, I am also a part-time teacher at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario España.

Teresa Paola Regalado-Hualca , Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social - Ecuador

Physician by profession with a master's degree in Health Quality Management and Patient Safety, with experience in primary health care, and work at the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS) in health zone 3, holding positions such as: zonal head of Patient Management, provincial leader of Medical Audit, provincial leader of Quality Management, and Technical Control

Juan Carlos Suarez-Pérez , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

I define myself as an tireless and passionate individual about innovation in the field of marketing and business. Originally from Ambato, Ecuador, I earned my degree in Marketing and Business Management from the Technical University of Ambato in 2014. With an inquisitive mind and a thirst for knowledge, I decided to further my academic education by pursuing a Master's degree in Marketing with a focus on Digital Marketing at PUCESA, where I excelled with a disruptive approach and strategic vision, earning the title of BEST GRADUATE of my class in 2021. Currently, I am immersed in a new academic adventure, pursuing a Master's degree with a focus on Digital Transformation and Innovation. Professionally, I am currently working as a Coordinator of Social Engagement and a Lecturer-Researcher at the Indoamérica Technological University. Additionally, I have been a natural entrepreneur and a digital marketing specialist. With a creative mind and a strategic mindset, I have led numerous successful projects that have driven the growth of various companies.


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