Cross-cutting Didactic Strategies in Secondary Education: A Literature Review

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José Amable Cuaspud-Meneses
Adriana Monserrate Meza-Castro
Jacqueline Alexandra Villacís-Tagle
Alejandro Reigosa-Lara


The research work covers the importance of transversal teaching strategies in secondary education in increasing student learning, aiming to provide bibliographic information about the teaching strategies used in the classroom, detecting the main strengths for the learning process. Teaching-learning at the secondary education level as it faces continuous challenges.

The importance of transversal teaching strategies lies in generating learning for students through procedures and skills that, when acquired, can be used in various situations that arise and facilitate teachers' teaching in a comprehensive and efficient manner.

 The methodology applied was PRISMA, where a bibliographic search of academic literature and official documents related to transversal teaching strategies in secondary education was carried out. Sources include articles from academic journals, reports from educational organizations, and case studies from various regions.

As conclusions from the work developed, we have that the implementation of teaching strategies in the classroom are of utmost importance according to different authors since this avoids falling into routine and keeps students motivated, benefiting their learning.



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How to Cite
Cuaspud-Meneses , J., Meza-Castro , A., Villacís-Tagle , J. ., & Reigosa-Lara , A. . (2024). Cross-cutting Didactic Strategies in Secondary Education: A Literature Review . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 246-263.
Artículos de revisión
Author Biographies

José Amable Cuaspud-Meneses , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My name is José Amable Cuaspud Meneses, I am an Agroindustrial Engineer and currently pursuing this master's degree in pedagogy is very important for my professional career. Additionally, doing this work helped me learn many things about the different methodological strategies that can be used. in the classroom to increase the teaching-learning process of the students, and the methodology used to carry out bibliographic research was also very useful to me. 

Adriana Monserrate Meza-Castro , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My name is Adriana Monserrate Meza Castro, I am a Foreign Trade Engineer, and currently pursuing this master's degree in Pedagogy is very important and adds a lot to my professional career.  

By doing this work it helped me to learn about the different methodological strategies that can be implemented in the classroom to improve the teaching-learning process of students and also our teachers. 

 This research helped me gain more knowledge about the methodology and teachings currently used to conduct bibliographic research. 

Jacqueline Alexandra Villacís-Tagle , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My name is Jacqueline Alexandra Villacís Tagle Specialist in Digital Production and Postproduction/ Project Management and Coordination/ User Service. I currently work at the Bolivarian Universit

Alejandro Reigosa-Lara , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My name is Alejandro Reigosa Lara. Carried out academic, research and outreach activities aimed at the training of integral third-level professionals. I currently have 4 years of experience in education. Carrying out activities oriented to the administrative and logistics areas based on processes that guarantee environmental sustainability. 


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