The impact of green marketing on consumer behavior of college students
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Green marketing focuses on promoting environmentally friendly products and raising consumer awareness about the importance of sustainability. The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of green marketing on university students, to determine the feasibility of implementing a multi-brand store in the city of Machala, offering a variety of green products from green companies. The type of research is descriptive-exploratory, with a quantitative approach. The study population includes university students and was chosen using an intentional non-probabilistic sampling technique. The results suggest a high feasibility of establishing a multi-brand store that offers a wide variety of green products in the city of Machala, responding to the market opportunity of providing sustainable options in the same establishment. Regarding the interest in caring for the environment, respondents show a willingness to buy green products, even if they have a higher cost than conventional products. The green products with the most interest are personal care and hygiene, cleaning and household products. The main motivating factor for purchasing organic products is the commitment to the environment, while the main demotivating factor is the high price of these products.
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