Think about university knowledge from transdisciplinarity

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Alex Darío Estrada-García
Jesús Edelberto Estrada-García


The article develops formulations around concepts from transdisciplinarity as a methodology to think and interpret the processes of construction of knowledge. The inter-epistemic dialogue of the conceptual framework begins at the genesis of transdisciplinarity, and is sensitive to understand the complexity of university knowledge and think from transdisciplinarity to educate and learn together with society. In conclusion, a way of thinking about university knowledge in the context of the globalized era requires: a transdisciplinary approach, complex thinking, transdisciplinary awareness, spirituality, relationship with nature and creativity.


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How to Cite
Estrada, A., & Estrada, J. (2020). Think about university knowledge from transdisciplinarity. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5-2), 36-49.
Author Biographies

Alex Darío Estrada-García, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Alex Estrada García, Bachelor of Educational Sciences, Professor of Biology, Chemistry and Laboratory from the National University of Chimborazo. Specialist in Complexity Sciences by Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin (Mexico). Master in Transdisciplinarity and Complexity of Knowledge, mention Integrative Research by Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin (Mexico). PhD in Education from the University of Colima (Mexico). Member of the Ibero-American College of Researchers at the Knowledge Service (Mexico). Research Professor at the UCCEG Institute of University Studies (Mexico). Teacher at the National University of Chimborazo. The professional profile is: researcher, undergraduate and postgraduate teacher. He has published two books in the area of ​​Higher Education and Transdisciplinarity, and nine scientific articles. Areas of interest: higher education, environmental education, pedagogy, ecology, curriculum, complex thinking, transdisciplinarity.

Jesús Edelberto Estrada-García, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Jesús Estrada García, Bachelor of Educational Sciences, Professor of Secondary Education, Biology and Chemistry. Doctor in Pedagogy and Educational Management. Master in Formulation, Management and Evaluation of Social and Productive Projects. Master in Higher Education. PhD in Education. Full professor at the National University of Chimborazo. Postgraduate professor at the Technical University of Ambato. The professional profile is: researcher, consultant, undergraduate and graduate professor. He has published 10 books in the area of Higher Education and biology, and 15 scientific articles. Areas of interest: curriculum, pedagogy, didactics, skills, ecology.


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