Institutional governance as a tool for participation in the strategic planning of the Ministry of Labor

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Rutis Georgina Peralta-Vera
Juan Carlos Parra-Fonseca


Institutional governance in the Ministry of Labor plays a crucial but underexplored role in strategic planning. This study addresses the knowledge gap on how institutional governance influences the participation of various actors in strategic planning and its impact on the effectiveness of policies and strategies. The research is key to developing more effective and participatory policies, benefiting both employees and administration, and its results could be useful for other ministries. A mixed design, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques, was used, essential for understanding the impact of institutional governance on participation in strategic planning. Comparative analysis and semi-structured surveys provided a comprehensive overview of the topic. The results show that changes in the Ministry's strategic planning since 2015 have been significant due to the implementation of technological and methodological tools. More than half of the respondents (51%) showed a trend towards active participation in strategic planning, although a considerable proportion did not feel involved.


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How to Cite
Peralta-Vera , R. ., & Parra-Fonseca , J. . (2024). Institutional governance as a tool for participation in the strategic planning of the Ministry of Labor. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 211-230.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Rutis Georgina Peralta-Vera , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador sede Manabí - Ecuador 9059 

Rutis Georgina Peralta Vera was born in the city of Portoviejo and resides in Quito, Ecuador. She graduated from the Master's Degree in Public Administration at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí campus, and has an Eng. in Accounting and Auditing. Currently, she works as a Public Procurement Analyst at the Ministry of Labor, specializing in administrative management. His work experience has been crucial to analyze how governance influences participation in the strategic planning of the Ministry of Labor, promoting the development of more effective and participatory policies, benefiting employees and administration. During this period, he played a fundamental role in the management of Administrative Management planning. 

Juan Carlos Parra-Fonseca , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador sede Manabí - Ecuador 

Juan Carlos Parra Fonseca is an economist with extensive experience in planning in strategic areas in the public sector.  Master in Territorial Planning and Environmental Management, as well as in Public Policies and has taught at different universities nationwide, he has developed an extensive career in his work experience in different Institutions such as: General Secretary of Planning of the Metropolitan District of Quito. Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Manabí) and at the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral. Metropolitan Director of Citizen Services of the Metropolitan District of Quito. Professor at the University of Otavalo. 

Director of Internal Audit at the State Comptroller General's Office.  Senior Expert in Territorial Economic Development – ​​Productivity for UN Habitat. President of the Board of Directors RECYCOB S.A. Deputy General Manager of the National Financial Corporation B.P. Vice Minister of Industries in the Ministry of Industries and Productivity. 

Technical Secretary of the Interinstitutional Committee in the Technical Secretariat for the Change of the Productivity Matrix. Advisor to the National Secretary of Planning and Development at the National Secretariat of Planning and Development, Senplades. Undersecretary of Monitoring and Evaluation, Senplades. Consultant for the IESS institutional restructuring plan, Flacso Ecuador. 

Ministerial Advisor, Undersecretary of Marketing and Undersecretary of Institutional Planning in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries. 

He has also published several publications on topics of participatory budgeting, citizen participation, policy formulation, Millennium Development Goals, VAT and Income Tax, among others. 


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