Certainty and uncertainties about academic dropout at the Juan misael Saracho Autonomous University during the covid 19 pandemic

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René Arenas-Martinez
Ivonne Fabiana Ramírez-Martinez


The transition from face-to-face classes to virtual classes in higher education caused by the COVID 19 pandemic produced a sudden change in the teaching and learning process, both teachers and students had to adapt to this new educational scenario. One of the aspects that was interesting to know during this transition period was related to how the students dropped out. Therefore, the objective of this study was to reflect on the certainties and uncertainties generated about the dropout of students at the Juan Misael Saracho Autonomous University during this pandemic period. The study was based on the review of scientific articles referring to the following educational categories: complexity of education, the educational transition from face-to-face to virtual classes, virtual education as an alternative to the pandemic, evaluation during virtual classes, the student dropout and the analysis of student dropout data in the period 2018 - 2022. The results show that during the transition period there were several factors that influenced the dropout percentage of students; the complexity of the education process, the lack of teacher training for the use of ICT, the flexibility in the educational evaluation of the knowledge acquired by students, the digital skills of students, and access to the internet and availability of equipment for access classes that caused an increase in the dropout rate at the beginning of the pandemic (2020), but decreasing the following year (2021).


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How to Cite
Arenas-Martinez , R., & Ramírez-Martinez , I. . (2024). Certainty and uncertainties about academic dropout at the Juan misael Saracho Autonomous University during the covid 19 pandemic. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 37-46. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.5.2574
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

René Arenas-Martinez , Universidad Autónoma Juan Misael Saracho - Bolivia


René Arenas Martinez, undergraduate and graduate teacher, holds positions of Director of Science and Technology Research, Director of Graduate Studies at the UAJMS, Coordinator of the Doctorate Program in Sciences and my postgraduate training includes; master's degree in higher education sciences, and PhD in “Training and Research in the Environment, in the Ibero-American context.” University of Seville – Spain. Participation in different types of projects as Director and Researcher, in areas of environment, higher education, information and communication technologies. Editor of the Diffusion Magazine “Ventana Cientifica” ISSN: 2415 - 2390 (Online), ISSN: 2305 - 6010 (Print). 2012 – 2017. 

Ivonne Fabiana Ramírez-Martinez , Universidad San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca - Bolivia


Ivonne Ramírez Ph.D. psychologist and university professor in San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca in Bolivia. Doctor in Clinical and Experimental Neurosciences Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. President of the Scientific Association of Charcas Doctors in Bolivia. She coordinates graduate programs in psychology and neurodevelopment. She integrates international research networks related to childhood, disability and health psychology from a neuroscience approach. She is a speaker at National and International Conferences on Education. She has several publications of scientific articles, book chapters and her own books on neurodevelopment and research topics. She is a member of the CLACSO GT, Critical Thinking Network, REDO and is a research member in international cooperation projects. 


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