Telematic citation and the right to defense of older adults in the Ecuadorian legal system
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This article makes a study of constitutional rights such as the right to defense and due process in the face of electronic subpoena focused on older adults. The telematic citation is given to the reform of the General Organic Code of Processes, published by Law s/n, R.O. 245-3S, 7-II-2023, which introduces this new type of summons, the same one that entails a series of violations of the rights established in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador towards older adults as a priority attention group who are immersed in a judicial process.
The telematic summons establishes the construction of a citizen electronic mailbox to which the demands will be notified to natural persons. This procedure violates the rights of older adults, violating due process and the right to defense since the lack of knowledge about the development of new technologies and the establishment of personal electronic mailboxes to receive legal notifications fragments the security of allowing older adults to exercise an adequate defense due to lack of knowledge of the use of electronic means.
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