Enigmas of the political environment in the financial management of the cooperative sector of segment 1 based on the CAMEL method

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Gardenia Lizbeth Sánchez-Ortega
Angela Mercedes Sigcha-Santacruz
Rodrigo Arturo Reyes-Armas
Brenda Elizabeth Oña-Sinchiguano


The political environment is an important factor in shaping the economic and financial policies of any sector, in this case including the COAC. Given the above, the objective of the research is to analyze the effect of the enigmas of the political environment using the CAMEL method for the recognition of the organizational financial management of the Ecuadorian COACs of segment 1. The methodology that was used had a quantitative approach, since it arises from the need for an objective and measurable evaluation of the impact of the political environment on the financial management of cooperatives. This approach allows the use of the CAMEL method, a structured and rigorous analytical tool ideal for accurately and quantitatively measuring and comparing metrics on capital, assets, management, profitability and liquidity. In addition, a documentary and correlational method was used. Ecuadorian cooperatives from segment 1 (28) were taken into account as the study sample. The data obtained were processed through the statistical software Spss and Microsoft Excel. The results showed that the main macroeconomic indicators of Ecuador between 2018 - 2021 highlighted significant changes, so it is notable that the Gross Domestic Product of the financial sector reached its maximum contribution to the country's total GDP in 2019. In contrast, Inflation reached its highest level in 2018 with 9.80%.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Ortega, G. ., Sigcha-Santacruz , A. ., Reyes-Armas, R. ., & Oña-Sinchiguano, B. . (2024). Enigmas of the political environment in the financial management of the cooperative sector of segment 1 based on the CAMEL method . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 483-496. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.4.2540
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Gardenia Lizbeth Sánchez-Ortega, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador


Gardenia Lizbeth Sanchez Ortega, Student of the Accounting and Auditing Degree, carried out pre-professional internships at the Agrícola Capelo company, English Language Certification Level B1, participation in the International Scientific Research Congress 2023 and Accounting and Auditing conferences. 

Angela Mercedes Sigcha-Santacruz , Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador


Angela Mercedes Sigcha Santacruz, Student of the Accounting and Auditing Degree, carried out pre-professional internships at the Agrícola Capelo company, training in the Internal Revenue Service, participation in different types of Accounting, Tax, Finance conferences and Accounting and Accounting conferences. Audit, English Language Certification Level B1 

Rodrigo Arturo Reyes-Armas, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador


Rodrigo Arturo Reyes Armas, an Ecuadorian national, born on November 5, 1987, CPA accounting and auditing engineer at the Quevedo State Technical University since 2013. Master's in accounting and auditing at the Quevedo State Technical University since 2013. 2018. 

In the professional field I have more than 10 years of experience as an independent certified public accountant; work experience in the Internal Revenue Service; In addition, a professional career in the financial institution "Cooperativa CACPECO Ltda.", I currently provide my services as a full-time teacher at the Technical University of Cotopaxi Extension La Maná. 

Brenda Elizabeth Oña-Sinchiguano, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador


Accounting and Auditing Engineer, Master in Accounting Management and Corporate Finance, Doctoral Candidate in Accounting Sciences 


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