Analysis of student satisfaction according to the academic level of the teaching staff of a Higher Education Institute

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Lisbeth Tatiana Almeida-Herrera
Danilo Francisco Freire-Renjifo


The study addresses student satisfaction in technical and technological higher education institutions, focusing on how the academic level of the teaching staff affects this perception. Using a quantitative design, a questionnaire was applied that evaluated aspects such as the quality of teaching and the academic training of teachers. The results indicate that teachers' advanced degrees, such as master's degrees and doctorates, contribute positively to teachers' perceived competence. However, it is highlighted that factors such as teachers' ability to establish meaningful connections with students and adapt their teaching to individual needs are equally crucial to student satisfaction. This research highlights the importance of integrating solid academic training with effective pedagogical skills to raise educational quality. Also mentioned is the need for more studies that address challenges such as school stress and dropout, and that seek to improve infrastructure and support services to create an educational environment that meets the expectations and needs of students.


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How to Cite
Almeida-Herrera , L. ., & Freire-Renjifo , D. . (2024). Analysis of student satisfaction according to the academic level of the teaching staff of a Higher Education Institute. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 596-611.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Lisbeth Tatiana Almeida-Herrera , Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador - Ecuador

I am Tatiana Almeida, a medical doctor who specialized in traumatology and orthopedics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. I work at the TOA Traumatology Specialty Clinic and at the General Teaching Hospital of Calderón as a specialist. I am a higher education teacher in the Traumatology postgraduate program at the University of the Americas. I am the author of the chapter 'Glenohumeral Dislocation' in the medical sciences book of the Central University of Ecuador. I am also the author of the article 'Four-Corner Arthrodesis: Surgical Technique with a Quadrangular Assembly without Plate' in the journal of the Ecuadorian Society of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 

Danilo Francisco Freire-Renjifo , Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador - Ecuador

My name is Danilo Freire. I am a psychologist with a specialization in the field of labor psychology, with over two years of experience as a higher education teacher. I am also a co-author of a scientific article published in the "Latin American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities," which resulted from a research project. 


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