Citizen participation as a premise of transparency in the public policy formulation cycle. Contributions of the open government and governance paradigms

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Génesis Nicoless Chavez-Macías
Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano


The main objective of the research is to contextualize the main postulates in open government and governance that promote citizen participation in the formulation of public policies, which is accompanied by two specific guidelines: To identify the main postulates on open government and governance, and to reflect on the contribution of open government and governance postulates in citizen participation in the formulation of public policies. It is based on the phenomenological-hermeneutic paradigm, with a qualitative approach, applying information gathering techniques such as direct observation and documentary review, the latter applying the strategy of theoretical saturation; Since it is of a documentary type, there is no population and sample, for which a triangulation has been developed between the theoretical postulates (directly related to the topic addressed), direct observation (behavior of public institutions through their different portals and action plans), and the researchers' own criteria (thanks to their previous knowledge of the areas addressed) in which a contextualized discourse can be observed, according to the degree of influence of each institution. Among the findings present is a new construct on open government, governance, transparency, citizen participation, public policies.


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How to Cite
Chavez-Macías, G. ., & Mantuano-Zambrano, Y. (2024). Citizen participation as a premise of transparency in the public policy formulation cycle. Contributions of the open government and governance paradigms. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 268-285.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Génesis Nicoless Chavez-Macías, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Phd in Management from the University of Yacambú in Venezuela; Master in Public Administration, Lawyer expert in Public Law, Expert in Public Contracting of the Judiciary Council, Legal Advisor of the Public Company Manabí Produce E.P., He has held various public positions in entities such as BanEcuador, the National Telecommunications Council of Ecuador, the Provincial Government of Manabí, and the Joint Enterprise of Potable Water of the Cantons Junin, Bolivar, Tosagua, Sucre and San Vicente. He has written several scientific articles for the magazine 593 Digital Publisher CEIT.


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