Use of the flipped classroom as a pedagogical tool in learning innovation

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Viviana Zeneida Chavarría-Giler
Gisella Eugenia Silva-Pihuave
Juan Eduardo Anzules-Ballesteros
Gregory Edison Naranjo-Vaca


The main objective of this study was to identify the impact of using the flipped classroom as a pedagogical tool on learning innovation. To achieve this objective, an experimental study was designed, which included the application of surveys to a representative sample of 150 students. The surveys focused on evaluating students' perception of the usefulness of pre-recorded content provided before class with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.893, the benefit of practical activities in the classroom, the level of engagement with the subject, the improvement in the understanding of the concepts taught, the ease of use and the usefulness of the digital pedagogical tool, as well as the perception of its impact on motivation and collaboration. Due to the significance values of the KS1 test, Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to analyze the relationship between the studied variables. The results obtained show a positive and significant correlation between the implementation of the flipped classroom, the use of digital pedagogical tools and the perception of innovation in learning. It was found that both the flipped classroom and digital pedagogical tools are associated with a greater perception of innovation in the educational process. Students perceive the pre-recorded content and hands-on in-class activities to be helpful in improving their understanding of concepts and increasing their engagement with the subject. Additionally, they value the ease of use and usefulness of digital pedagogical tools to access additional educational resources and foster collaboration between students and teachers. These findings suggest that the combination of strategies such as the flipped classroom and the use of digital pedagogical tools can enhance innovation in the classroom and improve the quality of learning.  


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How to Cite
Chavarría-Giler , V., Silva-Pihuave , G. ., Anzules-Ballesteros , J. ., & Naranjo-Vaca , G. . (2024). Use of the flipped classroom as a pedagogical tool in learning innovation . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 557-574.
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Author Biographies

Viviana Zeneida Chavarría-Giler , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduate in educational sciences, computer science specialization. 

Teacher at the Ministry of Education since 2015, he worked for 7 years at the Victor Emilio Estrada Fiscal Educational Unit, currently 3 years at the “Inés María Balda” Fiscal Educational Unit located in the province of Guayas. 

Gisella Eugenia Silva-Pihuave , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduate in educational sciences with a mention in computer science. 

Teacher of the Ministry of Education since 2012, currently 7 years at the Luis Enrique Morales Alfaro Educational Unit in the city of Guayaquil. 

Juan Eduardo Anzules-Ballesteros , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Master in Marketing and Marketing with a mention in Digital Management 

Gregory Edison Naranjo-Vaca , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Staff teacher at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences from the Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. Author of scientific articles. Participates with presentations in international seminars and research projects. 


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