Contributions of the public electricity company in the consolidation of SDG 7. a new approach for the sustainable development of the locality. Unit of study: E.P. CELEC
Main Article Content
The main objective of the research is to contextualize the contributions of the Public Electrical Company (EPE) in the consolidation of SDG 7; accompanied by the specific objectives: To identify the SDG 7 guidelines that target the Public Electrical Company; and to reflect on the contributions of the Public Electrical Company (EPE) for the consolidation of SDG 7. The unit of study was the SOE Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador (CELEC, province of Manabí). It starts from the conception of a phenomenological-interpretative paradigm, being its approach qualitative and descriptive level, among the data collection instruments are direct observation within the selected study unit, documentary and bibliographic review (theoretical saturation) of the topics related to the proposed study, becoming a documentary research. Among the analysis strategies are the so-called qualitative content and Grounded Theory (Strauss and Corbin), both have been used in combination, expressed in an axial matrix in which the main components related to public enterprises and sustainable development are highlighted, as well as their relationship with SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy; in which a process of constant comparison between them is developed, taking into consideration the context and the referents that drive their concept. In the categorization process, a central category is obtained: Sustainable corporate governance for the electricity sector, which is proposed as a good praxis to be implemented within the dimensions to be covered by the public electricity company as a social actor.
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