Educational model for strengthening entrepreneurial culture in early stages

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Andrés Aníbal Oyarzún-Cristi
Cristóbal Patricio Maturana-Contreras
Evadil Antonio Ayala-Riquelme


Entrepreneurial culture is a relevant factor in influencing the competitiveness of a city, region or country. When reviewing the 2019 Global Innovation Index and making a state of the art of experiences in educational entrepreneurship programs in Latin America, the need to generate actions to promote entrepreneurship in early stages is evident. The objective of this study is to design a strategy to teach entrepreneurship in the educational model, which is based on the reality of the Tarapacá region, in northern Chile, and which can be replicated in countries with similar characteristics. The main conclusion lies in the importance of the form and personalization with which the content is delivered, rather than with the theory behind the venture. Based on bibliographic reviews and field analysis in the Tarapacá region, in the north of the trans-Andean country, the importance of working with adolescents is defined and as a result the design of an entrepreneurial training program for students in early stages, from thirteen or fourteen years, where entrepreneurship tools / methodologies are taught and put into practice to promote an entrepreneurial culture.



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How to Cite
Oyarzun, A., Maturana, C., & Ayala, E. (2020). Educational model for strengthening entrepreneurial culture in early stages. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(5-2), 4-17.
Author Biographies

Andrés Aníbal Oyarzún-Cristi, Tarapacá Labs, Universidad Arturo Prat - Chile


Professional with 4 years of work in Tarapacá Labs (since its foundation), where he has implemented entrepreneurship promotion programs for young people, university students and people with an idea or a business in operation. He is the one who designs the bases of the Tarapacá Labs School program.

Cristóbal Patricio Maturana-Contreras, Tarapacá Labs, Universidad Arturo Prat - Chile


Professional who carried out his professional practices in Tarapacá Labs and who today leads the implementation of the Tarapacá Labs School program, where he works in “Tarapacá”, Chile, to teach and strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of young students.

Evadil Antonio Ayala-Riquelme, Universidad Arturo Prat - Chile


He is the Director of Tarapacá Labs, who founded the organization. He is responsible for maintaining good relations with institutions and companies to strengthen the programs. Advises on topics and trends content for students.


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