Influence of the social media marketing strategy on the purchase intention of the Esmeralda consumer for bottled water

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Gabriela Stephanie Feijoo-Arroyo
Carolina de los Ángeles Uzcátegui-Sánchez


This work investigates the influence of the social media marketing strategy on the purchase intention of the Esmeralda water consumer, addresses the content generated by the company, by the user on social networks and eWOM, highlighting its importance in approaching the customer and generating interest in products and services. The relevance of social networks in the advertising field is mentioned and how they can influence the consumer's purchase intention.

Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire designed to measure the variables of interest. Using this information, a linear regression model was developed that allowed us to estimate the influence of these variables on the purchase intention of Nativa brand bottled water. The results obtained revealed that user-generated content and electronic word-of-mouth (ewom) communication have a positive and significant impact on brand purchase intention.


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How to Cite
Feijoo-Arroyo, G. ., & Uzcátegui-Sánchez, C. (2024). Influence of the social media marketing strategy on the purchase intention of the Esmeralda consumer for bottled water. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 665-680.
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Author Biographies

Gabriela Stephanie Feijoo-Arroyo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador / Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

Gabriela Stephanie Feijoo Arroyo was born in Ecuador, in the city of Esmeraldas. He has a third level degree in Foreign Trade Engineering. Fourth Level Degree in Marketing with a mention in Digital Marketing from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.

Carolina de los Ángeles Uzcátegui-Sánchez, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Research professor at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador. Candidate for Doctor in Economic Sciences with a mention in Business Administration from UNCUYO University, Master in Business Management, Business Engineer EPN, She has written several scientific articles and books and has also participated as a speaker and organizer of national and international scientific events.


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