Model design of digital marketing strategies in social networks for neighborhood stores in the canton of santa elena 2024

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José Manuel Chuquimarca-Ramírez
Geovanny Santamaria-Manobanda


In this study we will address the model design of digital marketing strategies to achieve positioning in social networks of neighborhood stores, we will identify the most appropriate social network for the implementation of marketing strategies, so that our General Objective is,Design a model of digital marketing strategies in social networks for the positioning of neighborhood stores.having as specific objective to analyze the digital marketing strategies in social networks and base them theoretically in order to find their effectiveness for their application in a way that allows us to describe the current situation of neighborhood stores, for the setting of appropriate marketing strategies. In turn,Design a model of digital marketing strategies in social networks to achieve positioning neighborhood stores. defining the methodology to be used is a mixed qualitative and quantitative research at a descriptive level, the use of the synthetic analysis method is established, with the use of instruments such as the survey and in-depth interviews, so that the results will be focused on defining the most appropriate social network for the positioning of neighborhood stores, for their process of adaptation to digital environments. Concluding in general terms the importance of business involvement and training to face new challenges with technological advances in issues related to digital commerce.

Key words: positioning, social networks, strategies, stores, neighborhoods


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How to Cite
Chuquimarca-Ramírez, J. ., & Santamaria-Manobanda, G. (2024). Model design of digital marketing strategies in social networks for neighborhood stores in the canton of santa elena 2024. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 618-630.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

José Manuel Chuquimarca-Ramírez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador / Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

José Manuel Chuquimarca Ramírez was born in Ecuador, in the city of Santa Elena. He has a third level engineering degree in Business Development. Graduated from the Península de Santa Elena State University and a Fourth Level Degree in Marketing with a mention in Digital Marketing from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. 

Speaker and organizer of National and International scientific events.

Geovanny Santamaria-Manobanda, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Create the National Directorate of Statistics of the National Electoral Council of Ecuador, National Director of Information of the Presidency of the Republic, National Director of Transformation of the Presidency of the Republic, Master in Market Research, Book Publication and Market Research 


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