The crime of smuggling and its current incidence in Ecuadorian criminal and procedural law

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Jorge Jinson Andrade-Borja


The Comprehensive Organic Penal Code, in its article 301, describes the conduct for which it penalizes the crime of smuggling. The crime of smuggling punishes the act of entering merchandise that does not have the respective property endorsements that legitimize its legality. Due to the wording of the criminal offense, it has several new circumstances, for example, the obligation to present documents that legitimize ownership, border areas, the time to begin criminal action, etc. Whose protected legal asset lies in the state economy. As the criminal type is configured, it does not violate the presumption of innocence in the section of justifying the legality of the merchandise, since said burden of proof will always be in the hands of the Prosecutor's Office; However, the criminal type has a procedural budget in the understanding of waiting 72 hours to start the criminal process, which allows the non-existence of a criminal process with flagrancy modality.  


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How to Cite
Andrade-Borja , J. (2024). The crime of smuggling and its current incidence in Ecuadorian criminal and procedural law . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4), 53-62.
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Author Biography

Jorge Jinson Andrade-Borja , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Lawyer from the State University of Bolívar, Master in Law with a mention in Constitutional Law, from the Indo-America Technological University, Assistant to the State Attorney General's Office.


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