Interactivity strategy in political communication with voters as a factor in political marketing

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Edisson Sebastian Pozo-Cordero
Jorge Francisco Abril-Flores


In the present investigation, the analysis of the strategies of interactivity in the political communication with the voters as a factor of the political marketing began, we observed the different means of communication that the political parties use and the opinion of the voters, identifying the media more effective policies to send the message to the voters and make them decide their vote; always focusing the message of the political parties regardless of the means of communication used, whether modern or innovative, the main message never changes, only feedback, the objective of this research was to analyze the most effective means of communication for voters during an electoral process Likewise, it was learned that interactivity strategies in political communication with voters are a factor in political marketing and are framed within the 4Ps of marketing. The approach used is qualitative and quantitative, this allows us to specify characteristics or descriptions of the political communication media that manage to capture the attention of the voters and at the same time obtain statistical data that allows us to observe the most practical interactivity strategies in political communication. within political marketing. The method used is descriptive: as its word indicates, it specifically describes what voters are looking for; the media that significantly influence the decision of the vote and the undoubted support for a political party; Comparative because a comparison is made of the interactivity strategies in political communication used in the past with the interactivity strategies in political communication used today.


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How to Cite
Pozo, E., & Abril, J. (2020). Interactivity strategy in political communication with voters as a factor in political marketing. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(5), 40-53.
Author Biographies

Edisson Sebastian Pozo-Cordero, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Edisson Sebastian Pozo Cordero, born in  Ambato city (Ecuador). Is next to get your title in Marketing and Business Management Engineering degree in Ambato Technical University.

Jorge Francisco Abril-Flores, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Jorge Francisco Abril Flores, is a native of Ambato (Ecuador). He is a Master in Business Administration - Planning mention by the Catholic University of Ecuador. He has been teaching since 2002. External advisor to several private companies, both local and regional. Author of the book "Basic Accounting for Non-Accountants", he has also published more than 10 scientific articles.


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