Transformative Pedagogy based on Learning by Doing

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Gladys Beatriz Pérez-Anagumbla
Cristobal Omar Iturralde-Sosa


Education is that process of convergence between being, doing, knowing and living, whose reticular nodes make the student the epicenter of all its directionality, complemented by its context, history and time; Therefore, teaching action must move towards the development of useful and substantial learning, achieved from the pedagogical essence itself, its heritage must be pragmatic, so that it lasts in the cognitive sense. In this way, learning by doing is essential, so that the boy and girl generate knowledge that is extrapolated to its empirical validity. These characteristics allow us to propose as a general objective, describing transformative pedagogy from learning by doing in the context of general education. basic of Ecuador. 


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How to Cite
Pérez-Anagumbla, G. ., & Iturralde-Sosa, C. . (2024). Transformative Pedagogy based on Learning by Doing . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(2), 807-815.
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Author Biographies

Gladys Beatriz Pérez-Anagumbla, Instituto Jaime Roldós Aguilera / Instituto Misael Acosta Solis - Ecuador

Teacher Tutor in Primary Education, I highlight the importance of innovation, creativity and commitment to the comprehensive well-being of students. She used participatory and collaborative teaching methods to promote critical thinking and creativity, thereby facilitating meaningful learning. Additionally, I implement innovative strategies to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. Naturopath, recognized in the field of health and medicine. My goal is to contribute to improving people's health and well-being through alternative medicine.

Cristobal Omar Iturralde-Sosa, Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo - Ecuador

Graduate in Educational Administration and Supervision at the Technical University of Babahoyo, Professor of Primary Education Juan Montalvo Pedagogical Institute


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