Digital tools to strengthen the teaching process in technical high school teachers

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Joyce Elizabeth Morán-Rivera
Luzmila Anguaya-Cachimuel
Miguel Eduardo Baque-Arteaga
Wellington Isaac Maliza-Cruz


Digital tools constitute an important transversal axis in the quality of the teaching-learning process, their application in the educational context makes a difference in the way of teaching and learning, for this reason the objective of this research was to determine the incidence of the use of digital tools in the teaching process for technical high school teachers at the Mushuk Pakari educational institution, which allows the development of proposals that improve pedagogical practices within the classroom. A methodology with a quantitative approach, observational, prospective, analytical and transversal, corresponding to the descriptive level, was used. The questionnaire type instrument was used for the variable of interest, use of digital tools with the dimensions: Functions and characteristics, Flexibility, Standardization and Usability, with a total of 17 items. The study population was made up of 14 high school teachers from the aforementioned educational unit in Quito, Ecuador. The results indicate that an opportunity is identified to increase the integration of digital tools in teaching, highlighting the need for additional training and the exchange of best practices. Teachers show a willingness to adopt technology, especially in modifying content, but the need to improve flexibility in collaboration with students is noted. Standardization in the use of digital tools is mixed, with opportunities to improve consistency, while usability shows diverse evaluations, highlighting the effectiveness in the administration of the tools. 


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How to Cite
Morán-Rivera , J. ., Anguaya-Cachimuel, L. ., Baque-Arteaga, M., & Maliza-Cruz, W. (2024). Digital tools to strengthen the teaching process in technical high school teachers. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(2), 941-953.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Joyce Elizabeth Morán-Rivera , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Luzmila Anguaya-Cachimuel, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Miguel Eduardo Baque-Arteaga, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Wellington Isaac Maliza-Cruz, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador


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