What sustainability issues do companies emphasize? A case study of a sugar company in Ecuador.

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José Luis González-Márquez
Victor Manuel Reyes
Adriana Gabriela Sequera-Morales
Raúl Alfredo Sánchez-Ancajima


Sustainability is understood as the dominant paradigm of the present century, where it has become a requirement for organizations. In this work, sustainable performance is explored and similar and homogeneous clusters are configured to summarize the sustainability report of a sugar company in Ecuador. Sustainability Reports were reviewed, corresponding to the period 2012 - 2022, which were analyzed in terms of social, economic and environmental components. The work had an explanatory and multivariate design. The exploration of performance through an ordinal scale, shows that they comply with the guidelines of the "triple button line", evidencing a comprehensive report, where economic aspects (GRI-200 series), social impact (GRI-400 series) are highlighted. They also report on environmental metrics (GRI-300 series). The performance evaluated to the company was carried out based on GRI indicators, from which an average performance is derived, which has been increasing in terms of improvements and number of contents, since 2012. The 18 contents were grouped into two clusters (Student's t: p-value. <0.05). The first explains 56.98% of the variance. The second cluster/factor had an explained variance of 36.81%. The cumulative total was 93.79% of variance explained, which is a high value. Because of what is left unexplained, there is a need to incorporate other variables into multivariate studies. It is necessary to explore and incorporate other variables into the multivariate studies. Other factors must be explored and incorporated in order to improve the model.

Key words: environment, organization, sustainability.


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How to Cite
González-Márquez , J. ., Reyes , V. ., Sequera-Morales , A. ., & Sánchez-Ancajima , R. . (2024). What sustainability issues do companies emphasize? A case study of a sugar company in Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 368-381. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.3.2361
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Author Biographies

José Luis González-Márquez , Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil / Universidad Nacional De Túmbes - Ecuador / Perú


Economist with a specialization in International Economic Relations, Master's Degree in Economics and Business Management (ESPOL), Master's Degree in Higher Education (University of Guayaquil) and PhD (e) in Applied Mathematical Statistics (UnTumbes-Peru). Professional experience in the public and private sector. 
Publications in journals of global and regional impact, publications of books and book chapters, national and international presentations.

Victor Manuel Reyes , Universidad Nacional de Tumbes / Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador - Perú / Ecuador


Professor of Natural Sciences, specialising in Earth Sciences and Master in Environmental Education, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. PhD in Administrative Sciences, UNESR. Professor and researcher in Peru at the Universidad Nacional de Tumbes, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; and in Ecuador at the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Universidad Península de Santa Elena and Universidad de Guayaquil. Research Partner of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Consulting Group Ecuador. Researcher accredited by Senescyt (Ecuador), Concytec (Peru) and ONCTI (Venezuela). Doctoral Tutor at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello-Venezuela and at the Universidad de Investigación e Innovación de México. Consolidated researcher in University Research and Teaching; and organisational sustainability. Author of texts, articles and reviews for national and international scientific journals. Member of editorial committees and referee of indexed journals in Venezuela, Spain, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Brazil.

Adriana Gabriela Sequera-Morales , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Consulting Group - Ecuador


Degree in Education from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela. Master in Education, mention in Educational Management and PhD in Educational Sciences, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela. Member of the Latin American Community Network for Research, Innovation and Educational Entrepreneurship, RedGIA-Ecuador and the Santo Domingo Research Network, Ecuador. Member of scientific committees and referee in indexed journals in Spain, Peru, Brazil and Venezuela. Research professor associated with the National Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation (ONCTI - Venezuela).  21 years of experience in teaching, liaison, research and management in university education. Research advisor, member of tribunals as a jury evaluator. Author and co-author of scientific articles under the line of research in social, educational and community processes, Knowledge Management and Evaluation of academic and institutional processes. Currently, Director of Research at the ISTCGE in Ecuador and university lecturer in the area of Research, and research lecturer at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos-Peru. 

Raúl Alfredo Sánchez-Ancajima , Universidad Nacional de Tumbes - Perú


Degree in Mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences of the National University of Piura (UNP), Peru (2004). He obtained a Master's degree in Science with a major in Applied Mathematics from the National University of Piura (UNP), Peru (2011). D. in Mathematics from the National University of Trujillo (UNT), La Libertad, Peru (2021), with an internship at USP in Brazil. Senior Lecturer at the National University of Tumbes, Peru. My research interests are focused on Artificial Intelligence, Optimization Methods and Fractional Calculus. 


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