Participatory budget as a mechanism for the distribution of local public resources

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Juan Carlos Roa Bustamante
Freddy Ramón Miranda-Pichucho


It is crucial to address uncertainties about the ability of participatory budgeting to significantly influence the distribution of public resources. For this reason, the research aimed to interpret participatory budgeting as a mechanism of citizen participation for the efficient allocation of local public resources, specifically in the cantonal and parish Autonomous Decentralized Governments of Puyango. Employing a qualitative and inductive approach through a documentary review strategy, the research triangulated reviewed theories, author criteria, and semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. The research adopted a descriptive approach to delve into elements and their categories and to understand the origin of concepts and their meanings in specific contexts. The interviewees played a crucial role in strengthening the information gathered about the participatory budgeting process in the distribution of public resources in both urban and rural sectors, where civil society is pivotal in decision-making. The analysis was conducted using Grounded Theory, along with hermeneutics, allowing for a comprehensive interpretation of information provided by stakeholders, theory, and researchers' criteria in the application of participatory budgeting through their active experiences. This approach helped determine emerging categories related to citizen participation, the process of citizen participation, priority results and projects, equitable distribution between urban and rural areas, the impact of infrastructure and services, active community participation, achievements and challenges, and social awareness.



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How to Cite
Roa-Bustamante, J., & Miranda-Pichucho, F. . (2024). Participatory budget as a mechanism for the distribution of local public resources . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 34-54.
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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Roa Bustamante, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Manabí - Ecuador

Juan Carlos Roa Bustamante was born in the Province of Loja in the City of Loja. Forestry Engineer, from the National University of Loja. With more than 10 years of experience in the public sector, in the Decentralized Autonomous Governments of the province of Loja.

Freddy Ramón Miranda-Pichucho, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Freddy Ramón Miranda Pichucho, was born in the Province of Cotopaxi in the City of Latacunga. PhD student in Organizational Sciences, from the Universities of the Andes MéridaVenezuela. Master in Government and Public Management from the University of Valparaíso Chile. Master (e) in Finance from the University of the Armed ForcesESPE. Commercial Engineer from the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí; Specialist in Curriculum Design by Competencies. Higher Diploma in Management. With more than 20 years of experience in the public sector, 10 years as a university professor mainly at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, at the Carchi State Polytechnic University and the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador headquarters Manabí, in the Master of Public Administration.


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