Quality strategies enabling greater productivity in nutritious lunchbox businesses. Study unit: U.E Particular 25 De Diciembre “Una Nueva Alborada” in the city of Portoviejo
Main Article Content
The present article addresses an existing issue in the constant evolution of quality management and the need to exceed consumer expectations in a market where the demand for healthy food is growing. It highlights the lack of access to healthy packed lunches for students and the importance of addressing this problem to improve health and academic outcomes. The objective is to analyze quality strategies that allow for increased productivity in nutritious packed lunch businesses. The case study focuses on the "25 de diciembre" Private Educational Unit "Una Nueva Alborada" in the city of Portoviejo. The methodological approach involves non-experimental descriptive research with a mixed methodology. A survey was conducted with parents, and an interview was carried out with the school director. The intended outcome is to raise awareness about quality strategies, access to healthy packed lunches, and the relationship between nutrition and academic performance. It is crucial to identify patterns and gaps to enhance the supply of nutritious packed lunches. In conclusion, the purpose of the study is to provide practical recommendations for improving the quality of the production of healthy packed lunches, considering the changing expectations of consumers and the importance of proper nutrition for children's development. These results contribute to promoting healthy eating habits and preventing health issues in children.
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