Habitability and intra-family relationship in vulnerable sectors of the city of Portoviejo

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Edison Xavier Buitrón-Nieto
Bolívar Humberto Ortega-Bravo


The research work was based on the analysis of the habitability of the most vulnerable sectors of the city of Portoviejo, Ecuador, as well as on the intra-family relationship that these people live on a daily basis. Considering it necessary to use a qualitative methodology that allows us to know the reality of several families in five vulnerable sectors based on a cadastral analysis of the Municipality of the canton. Interviews were conducted with 10 members of families in a state of vulnerability and 5 officials of the Municipality of the cadastre area, using Quantum GIS software programs (QGIS 2.18.15) and ArcGIS 10. Among the main results, it was established that the city maintains several areas considered vulnerable, both in hills, riverside and low-lying areas, which in winter are greatly affected, and that despite being recorded in the records of solidarity aid, in many cases the relocation has not taken place. Based on the research carried out, it was possible to conclude that it is necessary to have greater socialization and control by the Municipality so that the inhabitants have an option of territorial growth as the number of population in the city increases, which is why the data presented are of great help to reduce risk areas and promote safe housing recreation. 


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How to Cite
Buitrón-Nieto, E. ., & Ortega-Bravo, B. . (2024). Habitability and intra-family relationship in vulnerable sectors of the city of Portoviejo. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(2), 453-465. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.2.2320
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Author Biographies

Edison Xavier Buitrón-Nieto, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


Xavier Buitrón, Ecuadorian, born in Portoviejo in 1993. Civil Engineer, graduated from the Technical University of Manabí.  Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, mention in social housing. Official of the civil construction department of the UTM from Portoviejo. 

Bolívar Humberto Ortega-Bravo, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


Architect, Master in Landscape Architecture, Full Time Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Manabí, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences, in the Department of Civil Constructions and Architecture, teaching subjects of Cad Drawing, Architectural Drawing, History of Architecture and Architectural Design Workshop. Author of several scientific articles.  


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