Impact of nonverbal communication on learning styles: An epistemic construction

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Patricia del Carmen Arellano-Gualle


The basic intention of this scientific article is to build a didactic episteme from a methodical perspective, associated with the incidence of non-verbal communication in learning styles in the Technical Field and Human-Social Sciences careers, belonging to the University of the Armed Forces. -ESPE, Sangolquí Campus of Ecuador, during the 2022-2023 academic period. For this purpose, a mixed methodology was applied, establishing relationships of correspondence and complementarity between the findings of the positivist and interpretive naturalistic paradigm through a field, explanatory, correlational type study. The qualitative reports were contrasted with the calculations obtained through the SPSS statistical program, based on descriptive and inferential statistics. It is concluded that the non-verbal communication of the subjects involved in relation to learning styles is not statistically significant, however it allowed us to identify to which category level of the analyzed variables they belong; giving rise to the creation of an episteme from the method associated with the impact that the constructs that emerge from the study had. 


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How to Cite
Arellano-Gualle, P. (2023). Impact of nonverbal communication on learning styles: An epistemic construction . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(6-1), 48-65.
Author Biography

Patricia del Carmen Arellano-Gualle , Edúcate Ecuador - Ecuador

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Basic Education, a Master's Degree in Special Education, graduated from the Equinoccial Technological University and now a Doctorate from the National University of Rosario (Argentina). I currently work as a teacher at the Quito Naval High School, I am also a Researcher at the SENESCYT Ideas Bank, and I also legally represent the Edúcate Ecuador Training and Consulting Center. My experience in the educational field is very extensive. I have been a teacher at all educational levels up to university teaching. For many years I have held management positions in educational units. 


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