Photovoltaic System to Improve the Economy of Families in Mayan Areas. A Studio in Dzitbalché, Campeche.
Main Article Content
The present study addresses the effectiveness of the implementation of a photovoltaic system for interconnection to the electrical grid of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), in single-family homes in the municipality of Dzitbalché, on Camino Real de Campeche, to reduce the costs of energy and improve their quality of life in a sustainable way. An analysis was carried out to determine the best photovoltaic systems according to income, the characteristics of the single-family homes and the environmental environment of the municipality under study, as well as the sustainability of the energy produced in the homes.
The research consists of two parts: (1) interviews with inhabitants of single-family homes, and (2) recording of radiation and kilowatts generated by the photovoltaic system. In both, the scope was exploratory and then descriptive, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. In the first, the approach was qualitative and the method was inductive, with the interview as a technique and its corresponding question guide. For the second, the approach was quantitative and the method was deductive, based on directed observation through a verification sheet as a collection instrument. Due to the geographical location and the radiation index that predominates in the area, the results are very favorable for the generation of electricity, which considerably reduces the cost of electricity bills. The conclusions show that the implementation of the system is not only effective, but also efficient in its operation. Habits for saving electrical energy in homes are also proposed.
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