Obstacles of the artisans of Escárcega and Calkiní that limit the Social and Solidarity Economy

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Geidy de los Ángeles Gómez-Xul
Sagrario María Quijano-Gutiérrez
María Eugenia López-Ponce
Dafne Anahí Jimenez-Sánchez


The craft sector represents an important part of the culture, identity and economy of any locality. The solidarity economy allows women not only to be included to generate their own income, it also allows the integration of groups to establish strategic alliances, achieving their financial independence and being able to make their own decisions, benefiting themselves, but at the same time the community at large. economic, social and environmental sphere. The purpose of this work is to identify the obstacles that artisan women currently present and that have limited the implementation of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) practices; from the towns of Escárcega and Calkiní in the State of Campeche. The methodology has a qualitative descriptive approach, the type of sample is for convenience, access was had with 18 artisans of legal age belonging to the towns of Escárcega and Calkiní in the state of Campeche, data collection was carried out through the application of a questionnaire with the interview technique. As part of the results, 15 obstacles were identified, of which the most common are: time, limited economic resources, gender identity, limited government support, and lack of knowledge of administrative issues that are related to the human and social dimensions. , economic, technological, political, environmental of the social and solidarity economy. Knowing what prevents artisans from having business growth and development with the SSE model will allow them to generate actions to strengthen practices in their businesses. 


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How to Cite
Gómez-Xul , G. ., Quijano-Gutiérrez , S. ., López-Ponce, M. ., & Jimenez-Sánchez , D. . (2024). Obstacles of the artisans of Escárcega and Calkiní that limit the Social and Solidarity Economy . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 137-149. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.3.2340
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Geidy de los Ángeles Gómez-Xul , Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


Teacher of the administrative area for 20 years at a higher level, master's studies in Administrative Engineering, Prodep profile, member of the academic body "Business Management and Development" with code ITSESCA-CA-2, certification in the EC0647 competency standard and competence standard EC0818. Participation in various national and international conferences and publications in indexed magazines. 

Member of the Network of Latin American Studies of Women in Organizations and Network of Scientific Researchers of Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Sagrario María Quijano-Gutiérrez , Tecnológico Nacional de México / Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


Graduate in tourism business administration with a master's degree in administration, research professor at TecNM/ITS de Escárcega; Prodep profile, member of the academic team “Business Management and Development” with code ITSESCA-CA-2, affiliated to tourism professionals college of Campeche; member of the Network of Latin American Studies of Women in Organizations and Network of Scientific Researchers of Latin America and the Caribbean. 

María Eugenia López-Ponce, Tecnológico Nacional de México / Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Calkiní - México


Dr. María Eugenia López has a Doctorate in Administration Sciences, with a Master's Degree in Educational Sciences and a Bachelor's Degree in Administration. Full-Time Professor A at the Higher Technological Institute of Calkiní in the State of Campeche (2006 to date). Member of the State Council for Scientific Research and Technological Development of Campeche (COESICYDET). It has Recognition of a Desirable Profile and Current PRODEP Support, Leader of the Academic Body in Consolidation: Technological Innovation System, Development of Skills and Management of Quality Systems, cultivating the LGAC Systems of Innovation and Business Technological Research. He has published various articles indexed in different magazines and has participated as a speaker in different academic events at a national and international level. 

Dafne Anahí Jimenez-Sánchez , Tecnológico Nacional de México / Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Champotón - México

Graduated as a Tourism expert at Instituto Campechano and carried out graduate studies in the fields of Administration and as a Tourist Guide.  

She is currently working at Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Champoton as a profesor of Tourism and Administration área. She is particularly interested and has collaborated with ecotourim and environmental education projects, She was awarded the first place at Startup Weekend Travel Campeche with the “Tourist Guide App” in 2016. 


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