Psychological aspects of organic purchasing and the influence of fatalism: the therapists' word

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Lorenzo Bonisoli
Kevin Cristhian Rubira-Criollo
Estefania Alejandra Jaramillo-Enríquez


The growing demand for organic products is closely linked to concerns about health and sustainability, reflecting the trend of individuals adopting a conscious lifestyle. However, decision-making in the purchase of organic products is not solely a response to these considerations but is strongly influenced by psychological factors. 

The primary objective of the present research is to comprehensively analyze the purchase of organic products and the impact of fatalism on this process. Fatalism, characterized by passive acceptance of events, tends to predispose individuals to resignation rather than actively seeking change. To carry out this analysis, a qualitative study has been developed, focusing on conducting interviews with clinical therapists. These professionals serve as invaluable sources of knowledge due to their expertise in analyzing the psychological aspects that guide human decisions in response to factors such as social pressure, anxiety, and fatalism. 

The results emphasize the importance of resisting the influences of social pressure, promoting self-affirmation, and mitigating tendencies toward negative self-assessment. Additionally, the relationship between anxiety and exposure to misinformation, which can distort perceptions of health and well-being, is examined. Together, these psychological elements play a decisive role in the choice of purchasing organic products and in mental health, underscoring the importance of understanding these influences to empower individuals in making informed decisions and pursuing comprehensive well-being. Finally, this study highlights that fatalism can be overcome with proper support and the application of cognitive-behavioral therapy, offering a glimmer of hope for change. 


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How to Cite
Bonisoli, L. ., Rubira-Criollo, K. ., & Jaramillo-Enríquez, E. (2024). Psychological aspects of organic purchasing and the influence of fatalism: the therapists’ word. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(2), 111-120.
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Author Biographies

Lorenzo Bonisoli, Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador

Full Professor at the Technical University of Machala since 2013, Doctor in Philosophy (Università Cattolica di Milano – Italy) in 2002, Master of Business Administration (Cranfield University – UK) in 2011 and Doctorate in Economic Sciences (University of Almeria – Spain) in 2020. Research areas: Sustainability, Microeconomics, Sustainable Agriculture and Development, Strategic Marketing, Sustainable Marketing.

Kevin Cristhian Rubira-Criollo, Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador

My name is Kevin Cristhian Rubira Criollo, I am 23 years old, I am a Marketing student at the Universidad Tecnica de Machala and I am currently studying the eighth semester. Within the research field, I have developed two scientific article publications with the topics; "Psychological aspects of organic purchasing and the influence of fatalism: the word of therapists", in addition to having carried out various research projects at an academic level.

Estefania Alejandra Jaramillo-Enríquez, Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador

My name is Estefanía Alejandra Jaramillo Enríquez, I am 22 years old, I am a Marketing student at the Technical University of Machala and I am currently studying the eighth semester. Within the research field, I have developed two scientific article publications with the topics; "Psychological aspects of organic purchasing and the influence of fatalism: the word of therapists", in addition to having carried out various research projects at an academic level.


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