Learning to develop competencies in Civil Engineering: A comprehensive approach to complexity

Main Article Content

Percy Oscar Gutiérrez-Gómez


The article addresses the need for a comprehensive approach in learning skills in the field of Civil Engineering, especially in the face of the increasing complexity of contemporary challenges. The importance of going beyond the mere transmission of knowledge is highlighted and a developer learning approach is proposed, which seeks to promote practical skills and key competencies. 

The article examines pedagogical strategies and methodologies that can be implemented to promote competency-developing learning. Case studies and practical experiences are considered that demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in training highly competent and adaptive civil engineers. 

The article advocates for a transformation in Civil Engineering education, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach that prepares students to meet current and future challenges in the field. It is argued that this change in educational philosophy can contribute significantly to the development of capable and versatile professionals in Civil Engineering. 

The academic and professional literature on the topic is reviewed, presenting relevant authors, books, and years in the field. An interview with experts was also carried out. The importance of integrating complexity and transversality in the training of civil engineers is highlighted. 

The article argues that Competence-Developing Learning in Civil Engineering is an essential and effective approach for the training of civil engineers in a world characterized by complexity and constant evolution, which has a positive impact on the profession and society in general. 


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez-Gómez , P. . (2024). Learning to develop competencies in Civil Engineering: A comprehensive approach to complexity. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1), 790-809. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.1.2199
Artículos de revisión
Author Biography

Percy Oscar Gutiérrez-Gómez , Escuela Militar de Ingeniería - Bolivia


Bolivian by birth, graduated in Civil Engineering (Tomás Frías Autonomous University), Diploma in University Teaching (Escuela de Alta Gestión - Domingo Savio University), Diploma in highway and bridge construction (Autonomous University of Beni), Diploma in project management Construction (Universidad de San Sebastián - Santiago de Chile), Master's Degree in Higher Education (Amazonian University of Pando - Domingo Savio University), Master's Degree in Construction Management (Autonomous University of Beni - University of San Sebastián - Santiago de Chile - CEMLA ), Doctorate in Educational Sciences (Enrique José Varona University of Cuba - Tomás Frías Autonomous University), Doctor Honoris Causa (Council of the Honoris causa doctoral cloister of Mexico - Universidad Mayor de San Andrés), Past president of the Society of Engineers of Regional Bolivia Potosí, Past national director of the Bolivian Society of Engineers, Vice President of the Doctoral Scientific Society of the Tomás Frías Autonomous University, undergraduate and postgraduate university professor at different Bolivian universities, former director of the Civil Engineering Career of the Autonomous University Tomás Frías, worked in public and private companies for more than 27 years, national and international speaker 


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