Human Talent Management in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities in the Work Environment

Main Article Content

Héctor Andrés Canossa-Montes de Oca
Nelson Steven Peraza-Villarreal


The purpose of this article is to analyze the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Human Talent Management (HTM) of organizations, methodologically has a qualitative approach, based on literary reviews generating documentary-type research, with exploratory scope and proposals for the implementation of AI in companies and the HTM area. Key findings include, first, the identification of challenges to integrate AI into the organizations such as promoting adaptive leadership, having a technological infrastructure, the digital transformation and adaptation of functions, preparing human talent in AI and building a technology culture. Secondly, potential opportunities in the functions of the HTM area from strategic planning of human talent to human competence development are analyzed with actions that include AI, emphasizing human requirements for effective adaptation, such as digital skills and digital coefficient, creativity and socio-emotional skills, promotion of lifelong learning, investment in human capital and cobotization. Finally, as a third finding, strategic AI implementation actions such as the diagnosis of AI opportunities, the integration of organization members into the process, the choice of AI solutions, the adjustment of the business strategy, the preparation for change and follow-up with continuous evaluation are proposed. The research shows an optimistic view of the use of AI for the optimization and competitiveness of organizations. 


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How to Cite
Canossa-Montes de Oca , H., & Peraza-Villarreal , N. (2024). Human Talent Management in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities in the Work Environment . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(1), 302-319.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Héctor Andrés Canossa-Montes de Oca , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica

Business administrator, academic and researcher, full-time professor at the Universidad Técnica Nacional, and part-time for Universidad Nacional and Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Graduated in Business Administration from the University of Costa Rica, Master in Business Administration with emphasis on Human Resources, Finance and Marketing from ULACIT; Doctor in Business Sciences from Universidad Fidélitas. 

Nelson Steven Peraza-Villarreal , Universidad Técnica Nacional - Costa Rica

Business Management student at the National Technical University of Costa Rica, with experience in people management and sales at Walmart Mexico and Central America, as well as Container Survayer of Central America and Lagar Doit Center in positions such as Department Head , semi-Administrative positions and sales departaments. 


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