Analysis of the Violation of the Rights of the Alleged Father in a Prenatal Aid Food Trial, When it Turns Out Not to Be So
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The purpose of this paper is to carry out an investigation and analysis of the violation of rights of the alleged father in a maintenance trial, when it turns out not to be, so it is intended to justify whether there is a violation of rights that are produced by the mother who is in the pregnant period. The research methodology used in the work was inductive-deductive, obtaining a better understanding of the concepts related to the established topic, offering greater breadth in the topics that link to the violation of rights to the alleged father and what would be the possible solutions within the same trial of food of the pregnant woman with prenatal help. The present research work results in the evident violation of rights and the legal vacuum within the Ecuadorian regulations regarding the provisional pension that the alleged father must pay in favor of the surrogate in prenatal help, so we emphasize that our regulations do not effectively meet the rights of the alleged parents, placing them in mere violation.
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