Application of the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Study case, ISMAC Higher Technological Institute

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Keyerman Modesto Toapanta-Cisneros
Javier Denis Calvache-Sánchez


The ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Standard assumes a set of standards oriented mainly to the optimization of resources and an adequate management of business management in general, many companies in Ecuador, especially dedicated to manufacturing, apply it as part of their policy Internal quality, since it is not mandatory, however, service companies also apply it to obtain an improvement in the perception of customer service, which is combined in a competitive advantage of the institutions that apply it. This study focuses on demonstrating the level of knowledge of the people of managerial and administrative level of the Institutions of Higher Education (IES) and especially the case study of the Technological Institute of Administration, Commerce and Marketing ISMAC, with the benefits obtained by its accreditation in the first instance of the ISO 9001: 2008 Standard and its subsequent transition to the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard, which implies a joint work of all personnel. In addition, it has been corroborated through field research, that there is a lack of knowledge about the ISO Standard as such and in the same way the advantages or benefits that it brings to management. It was established in the same way that very few HEIs have applied this norm due to ignorance, even due to a lack of generalized Quality culture in the country, therefore, to help know the advantages of an implementation of a Quality Management System It is intended to socialize the experience acquired by the ISMAC, as part of the study. 


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How to Cite
Toapanta, K., & Calvache, J. (2020). Application of the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Study case, ISMAC Higher Technological Institute. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(2), 150-163.
Author Biographies

Keyerman Modesto Toapanta-Cisneros, Instituto Superior Tecnológico ISMAC - Ecuador

Coordinador de Investigación y Calidad ISMAC

Javier Denis Calvache-Sánchez , Instituto Superior Tecnológico ISMAC - Ecuador

Rector ISMAC


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