Social Media Marketing and the Design of Positioning Strategies in Interprovincial Transport Companies in the City of Machala
Main Article Content
The use of digital business tools such as social media marketing is increasingly constant, thanks to its way of sharing multimedia content on websites, therefore the main objective of the article is to generate positioning strategies for interprovincial transport companies in the city of Machala. through social media marketing. The research carried out is of a descriptive type, first carrying out a bibliographical investigation regarding the subject investigated to obtain relevant information on the concepts of the article for the understanding of social media marketing, the positioning and the quality of the services. Through the observation carried out in the terminal, it is possible to have a perception of different factors to establish the quality of the services that are currently provided in the bus terminal of the city of Machala, resulting in the need to apply positioning strategies through social media marketing. since it is the most optimal means to communicate with users quickly and achieve the desired positioning.
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