Unemployment and local economic development in the 9 de Octubre neighborhood of the José Luis Tamayo parish of the Salinas canton, 2022.

Main Article Content

Sara Teresa Muñoz-Ramírez
Rene Faruk Garzozi-Pincay


Unemployment is an economic phenomenon that has a significant impact on the economic development of communities and the living conditions of their inhabitants. The objective of this research work is to determine unemployment and local economic development, in order to design an action plan that contributes to reducing unemployment in the 9 de octubre neighborhood of the José Luis Tamayo parish, located in the Salinas canton. The study is based on a quantitative approach, with a descriptive scope in which characteristics, traits and properties of utmost importance to understand the study variables are detailed. 

The technique implemented for data collection was the survey, applied to the sample of 383 professional inhabitants of the 9-de octubre neighborhood, which was structured through closed questions on a Likert scale and dichotomous. For the tabulation of the results, the statistical program SPSS (Statical Package for the Social Sciences) was used, which allowed the analysis of the information collected. 

In conclusion, unemployment in the 9 de Octubre neighborhood has negative consequences in various aspects, such as the economic growth of the town and the well-being of its residents. Therefore, it is important to create and develop action plans in society; as they provide strategic guidance to address specific problems and challenges that arise in the localities when improving the living standards of their inhabitants. 


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How to Cite
Muñoz-Ramírez , S., & Garzozi-Pincay, R. . (2023). Unemployment and local economic development in the 9 de Octubre neighborhood of the José Luis Tamayo parish of the Salinas canton, 2022. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 376-387. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.5.2024
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Sara Teresa Muñoz-Ramírez , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Sara Teresa Muñoz Ramírez, 24 years old, born on June 13, 1999, in the Salinas Canton of the Santa Elena province.

Technical Bachelor in Accounting Services, by profession Graduate in Social Management and development.

Courses taken:

Human rights for the public servant – Carlos Slim Foundation (January 2020 – Mexico)

Administrator of virtual learning services Carlos Slim Foundation (March 2020 – Mexico)

Community Development – ​​Open Campus (UTPL 2021)

Rene Faruk Garzozi-Pincay, Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena - Ecuador


May.11 – Mar.12 University Expert in Management of Higher Education Institutions Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP), Andalusia – Spain, University of Seville. Graduate. www.us.es

2005 – 2007 Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago – Chile. Graduate. www.unab.cl Registration Code: 1021R – 10 – 6627. www.senescyt.gob.ec

1994 – 2000 Economist with a Mention in Business Management specializing in Marketing. Higher Polytechnic School of the Coast, Guayaquil - Ecuador. Graduate. www.espol.edu.ec Registration Code: 1021 – 02 – 315276. www.senescyt.gob.ec

1992 – 1994 Bachelor of Mathematical Physics Almirante Illingworth Naval Academy, Guayaquil – Ecuador.

Doctoral student in Management Administration. Benito Juarez University. www.ubj.edu.mx Research: "Business internationalization through public programs of international promotion", Mexico.

Doctoral student in Economics. University of Almeria, Spain. www.ual.es Research: "Application of eco-innovation in managerial decisions of companies under the theory of behavioral reasoning."

Professor, Santa Elena Peninsula University – www.upse.edu.ec


Nov.21 Co-Author. Book Chapter: Knowledge Management. Multidisciplinary perspective. Vol. 37. Chapter 9: Social media: marketing communication in MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic in La Libertad Canton - Ecuador. Global Union Collection, 2021. ISBN: 978-980-433-033-9. University Publishing Fund of the South National Experimental University of Lake Jesús María Semprúm (UNESUR) - Santa Bárbara del Zulia - Zulia State - Venezuela. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bH4qTVsBhioxOesQM1qTRbfhDV08ixgW/view

Apr.21 Co-Author. Book Chapter: Knowledge Management. Multidisciplinary perspective. Vol. 31. Chapter 19: Advertising Strategies in the Life Cycle of Microenterprises in the Santa Elena canton. Global Union Collection, 2021. ISBN: 978-980-433-033-9. University Publishing Fund of the South National Experimental University of Lake Jesús María Semprúm (UNESUR) - Santa Bárbara del Zulia - Zulia State - Venezuela. https://www.cedinter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Ebook-Gestion-del-conocimiento-vol-31.pdf

Jun.18 Coordinator. Book: Let's talk about Entrepreneurship, 1st. Ed. Technical University of Machala. Call REDES 2017. ISBN: 978-9942-24-112-2. Machala, Ecuador. http://repositorio.utmachala.edu.ec/bitstream/48000/12488/5/HablemosDeEmprendimiento.pdf


Jan.22 Co-Author. Article: Socioeconomic conditions of the "Tierra de Dios" Association resulting from agriculture, La Libertad 2021. Scientific Journal of Research in Communication, Marketing and Business REICOMUNICAR. Vol 5 No 9, pp. 50-62. ISSN: 2737-6354. Ecuador. https://doi.org/10.46296/rc.v5i9

Nov.21 Co-Author. Article: Laboratories of public innovation as a Methodology of identification for Informal Settlements Actors in Duran City, Guayas, Ecuador. International Conference on Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability (ARTIIS), pp. 559-572. ISBN 978-3-030-90240-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90241-4_43 (SCOPUS).

Oct.21 Presentation: Situation of Residential Migration in the labor field of Ecuador, period 2016-2020. V International Congress of Humanistic and Social Sciences. Technical University of Manabi. Ecuador.


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