Credit Risk and its Effects on the Credit Portfolios of Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Guayaquil 2021-2022

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Víctor Dionicio Pizarro-Cárdenas
Hugo Agustín Álvarez-Plúa


The research study focused on analyzing credit risk and its effect on savings and credit cooperatives in the city of Guayaquil in the Republic of Ecuador, the period 2021-2022, through the indicators that show the selected variables in the period evaluation. The bibliographic and descriptive method was used, which allowed to review the literature of studies related to the research topic obtained from databases: Scopus and Scielo. For data collection, a finite sample was selected, with data from 25 Savings and Credit Cooperatives (COAC) from the city of Guayaquil in the Republic of Ecuador, classified into 5 segments that indicated the size of the credit portfolio based on to its assets and the level of liquidity of the analysis period. The results of the descriptive investigation, allowed to determine that the highest profitability of the COAC was in segment 3 and the largest credit portfolio was located in segment 4. 


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How to Cite
Pizarro-Cárdenas, V., & Álvarez-Plúa, H. (2023). Credit Risk and its Effects on the Credit Portfolios of Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Guayaquil 2021-2022 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(4), 334-345.
Author Biographies

Víctor Dionicio Pizarro-Cárdenas, Universidad Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Economist graduated from the University of Guayaquil. Former Executive Director of the National Cooperative Council; Auditor of organizations of the Popular and Solidarity Financial Sector and Non- Financial, qualified by the Superintendence of Popular and Solidarity Economy; Advisor and trainer of savings and credit cooperatives; Transport, Production and Housing Cooperatives with 23 years of experience.

Hugo Agustín Álvarez-Plúa, Universidad Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Economist by profession, research teacher with 22 years of experience, I
have participated in national and international conferences with
presentations on topics that cover the social and economic problems addressed in the research carried out. Motivating member of the Ecuadorian economy network, I participate in outreach programs with society as a manager and participant, I have carried out
socioeconomic studies for the decentralized autonomous governments
of the province. I believe that life has opportunities, you just have to be willing to make the decision to start your destiny.


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