Project-Based Learning to Promote Science Teaching at the 30 de Abril School

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Piedad Verenice Manobanda-Ruiz
Mayra Maribel Tufiño-Guaicha


Project-based Learning (PBL) as a pedagogical tool delimitates the scope of the teaching process in students and how they react to new strategies to generate greater interest in the various subjects taught in educational institutions. The 30 de Abril School teachers took a survey to detect their knowledge level related to this methodology and how much it is applied in the teaching-learning process. Moderate levels of knowledge and a slight interest in replicating the PBL were found.  


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How to Cite
Manobanda-Ruiz , P. ., & Tufiño-Guaicha , M. (2023). Project-Based Learning to Promote Science Teaching at the 30 de Abril School . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 143-156.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Piedad Verenice Manobanda-Ruiz , Red de Educadores - Ecuador

Degree in Educational Sciences mention in Educational Management from the Technological University Indoamerica. Mgtr. in Educational Management from the University of Espiritu Santo Specialties. ASRE Analyst of the District Directorate of Education 22D01 2014 – 2016. Teacher of the English area of the Educational Unit April 30, 2016 – 2023, in charge of secretary of the institution 2017 – 2020, Rector in charge of the institution 2020 – 2023. 

Responsible professional, committed to teamwork to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the optimal performance of activities in order to promote goals, values and rules of coexistence to improve the interrelation between the educational community and service to society. 

Mayra Maribel Tufiño-Guaicha , Red De Educadores -Ecuador 

Lcda. in Education Sciences Mention Ecology and Environment at the Equinoctial Technological University; Mgtr. In Educational Management at the University of Espiritu Santo Specialties. 

Teacher in the Educational Unit "30 de Abril" 2013-2023 in the areas of Natural Sciences and Biology, I work as Inspector General of the EU. I am a professional committed to the development of education, among my virtues is always teaching for life and thus contributing to the development of children and adolescents. 


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