Institutional Governance as a Strategic Axis in the Management of Human Talent and its Practices in the Maternal and Child Health and Emergency Center of the IESS of Bahía de Caráquez

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Thalía Ximena López-Reina
Magda Francisca Cejas-Martinez


Institutional governance plays a fundamental role in the management of human talent in the public sphere and in particular in health institutions, especially in the Maternal and Child Health and Emergency Center of the IESS of Bahía de Caráquez. This study analyzes the importance of governance in the management of human talent and specifically public servants, makes an approach regarding the labor practices of the center around public management. The study adopted the mixed type approach articulating the quantitative and qualitative methodology, the application of one into account was proposed to 127 public servants with a total of 12 statements / categories regarding the variables under study; In the same way, an interpretation of the results obtained was developed. The study identified the implementation of effective governance policies and strategies leading to greater efficiency in the recruitment, training and retention of medical and administrative staff. The analysis also revealed that internal communication, fairness in treatment and work motivation are key aspects to maintain a healthy work environment and achieve institutional objectives. It is concluded that the adoption of an institutional governance approach as a strategic axis in the management of human talent is essential to improve the quality of medical care and guarantee compliance with public policies in the Maternal and Child Health and Emergency Center of the IESS of Bahía de Caráquez. 


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How to Cite
López-Reina, T. ., & Cejas-Martinez , M. . (2023). Institutional Governance as a Strategic Axis in the Management of Human Talent and its Practices in the Maternal and Child Health and Emergency Center of the IESS of Bahía de Caráquez . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 214-231.
Author Biographies

Thalía Ximena López-Reina , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Engineer in Accounting and Auditing. Certified Public Accountant. Independent Professional in Financial Services and Online Payments. Currently Candidate for a Master's in Public Administration in the postgraduate area of ​​PUCE-Manabí. 

Magda Francisca Cejas-Martinez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Degree in Industrial Relations. Master in Labour Administration. Master in Labour Sociology. Specialist in Human Resources Management. PhD. in Business Sciences and PhD. in Social Sciences. Research Professor at the National University of Chimborazo - Service Commission - and Professor at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE.  Currently teaching postgraduate courses at PUCE-Manabí. Areas of Knowledge: Administration, Methodology, Tourism. 


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