Public policies around the professional training by competencies of human talent working in the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Portoviejo County

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María Alejandra Henriques-Alcívar
Magda Francisca Cejas-Martínez


The general objective of this scientific article is to analyze the public policies around the professional training by competencies of the human talent that works in the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Portoviejo canton. To achieve the proposed objective, a mixed approach research was carried out with emphasis on the type of descriptive research, through the collection and analysis of relevant information through the bibliographic review that allowed the analysis of the theory corresponding to the theme. A field research was applied to collect key data that allowed understanding, observing and interacting with the informants regarding the theme. . The sample consisted of 15 public servants who had knowledge regarding the subject under study, conducting a survey with a total of 16 statements that allowed analyzing the problems regarding the effectiveness of public policies in the management of training by competencies. In the same way, it was possible to articulate these results with qualitative research through hermeneutics allowing interpretations that were articulated with the meaning of the object of study addressed. It is concluded that public policies around the professional training by competencies of human talent working in the Municipal GAD of the Portoviejo canton have a solid basis, however, it is necessary to carry out greater monitoring and evaluation of training programs encouraging public servants to increase their work skills. 


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How to Cite
Henriques-Alcívar , M. ., & Cejas-Martínez, M. . (2023). Public policies around the professional training by competencies of human talent working in the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Portoviejo County. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 194-213.
Author Biographies

María Alejandra Henriques-Alcívar , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

María Alejandra Henriques Alcívar, 33 years old, Bachelor in Business Administration, student of the Master in Public Administration at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí, Coordinator of Training, Formation and Continuous Evaluation of the Autonomous Decentralised Municipal Government of the canton of Portoviejo. She is currently a candidate for a Master's degree in Business Administration at PUCE- Manabi. 

Magda Francisca Cejas-Martínez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Degree in Industrial Relations. Master in Labour Administration. Master in Labour Sociology. Specialist in Human Resources Management. PhD. in Business Sciences and PhD. in Social Sciences. Research Professor at the National University of Chimborazo - Service Commission - and Professor at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE.  Currently teaching postgraduate courses at PUCE-Manabí. Areas of Knowledge: Administration, Methodology, Tourism. 


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