Social Inclusion and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults in the Julio Moreno Campus of Simon Bolívar Parish, 2020

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Erick Javier Mendoza-Cagua
Fausto Freddy Soledispa-Lucas


Older adults are part of a vulnerable group that in many cases do not feel well at home and in most cases are considered a burden since they are not working and their income is limited. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between social inclusion and subjective well-being through a correlational study, for the design of a project to improve the quality of life of older adults in the Julio Moreno campus of the Simon Bolívar parish. The design of the applied study was cross-sectional, with a mixed and cross-sectional approach, where it is concluded that depression, anxiety, and income are very limited and most do not receive family support, which generates discomfort. Among the results obtained is that most do not have family support, with limited income and that for this reason they present depression and sadness because they do not feel useful within their family and social environment. 


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How to Cite
Mendoza-Cagua, E., & Soledispa-Lucas, F. (2023). Social Inclusion and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults in the Julio Moreno Campus of Simon Bolívar Parish, 2020 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 94-106.
Author Biographies

Erick Javier Mendoza-Cagua, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Degree in Organization and Community Development. 

Former technician - territory tutor in the care of elderly people without disabilities of the former My Best Years project of the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, MIES. 

Fausto Freddy Soledispa-Lucas, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - Ecuador

Diplomas in Scientific Research, University Teaching and University Education by Competencies. Master in Business Administration. Doctor in Administrative Sciences. College professor. Director of scientific, social, investment, and training research projects. Lecturer. He has published scientific articles, books related to academics and research. Economic and political analyst in the media. Former Financial Director of the Municipal GAD of Puerto López. Former Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Audit Uleam, on two occasions. Former candidate for Rector of Uleam.


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