Participation and leadership of young people in the 28 de Mayo neighborhood in the Canton of La Libertad, 2023.
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The research on youth participation and leadership in the 28 de Mayo neighborhood in La Libertad Canton, Ecuador, revealed that most of the surveyed youth reported a high level of youth leadership (96.3%) and youth participation (93.8%) in their community. A significant positive correlation was found between both variables, with a Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.651 and a linear regression model that showed a significant relationship between youth participation and youth leadership. The dimensions of youth participation and youth leadership were also present at different levels in the community, with moderate to high values in both variables. A correlational research design was used with convenience non-probabilistic sampling, and the measurement instruments used (surveys) showed high reliability and validity. The research results indicate a significant presence of youth participation and leadership in the community, which can be useful for designing programs and policies that foster and strengthen these skills in young people. In summary, the research reveals the importance of youth participation and leadership in the 28 de Mayo neighborhood and suggests that promoting these skills can be key to the development and strengthening of the community.
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