Citizen Participation as an Instrument of Local Public Governance. Case Study: E.P. PORTOAGUAS of Portoviejo County

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Frank Guillermo Mendoza-Hidalgo
Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez


The research aims to interpret citizen participation from a perspective of local governance, accompanied by the following guidelines: Identify the dogmas of citizen participation from a perspective of local public management; and analyze the principles of governance from the context of local governance. The research has a phenomenological and interpretative approach, with an inductive dimension and a documentary review strategy; The theoretical saturation of the topics discussed has occurred from the practice of the technique of constant comparison, adding the criteria of the researchers, as well as the ideas expressed by the key informants, resulting in a new praxis within the Public Administration, especially from the spaces of institutional governance.  On the other hand, the research is of descriptive level in which the main attributes of the E.P. PORTOAGUAS, Portoviejo canton, Province of Manabí, are appreciated, in which its radius of influence within its environment is highlighted. The main analysis strategy has been the one proposed by the Grounded Theory (Strauss and Corbin), allowing to sustain the categorization process that gives rise to the aspects that are proposed as a good practice within the local public administration: 1.- New management model and good practices in citizen participation; 2.- Local governance for development, and 3.- Focused on transparency and access to information that generates public value; being all viable within the E.P. PORTOAGUAS. 


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How to Cite
Mendoza-Hidalgo, F., & Vegas-Meléndez, H. (2023). Citizen Participation as an Instrument of Local Public Governance.: Case Study: E.P. PORTOAGUAS of Portoviejo County. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 146-159.
Author Biographies

Frank Guillermo Mendoza-Hidalgo , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Hydraulic Engineer Technician with more than 12 years of experience in the public and private sector, performed and focused on investigating, diagnosing and proposing solutions to social problems regarding the lack of basic services. 

I have characterized myself as a professional who has always put social impact and social benefit first. 

Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Venezuelan, with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Master's in Political Science and Public Administration, PhD in Administrative and Management Sciences, postdoctoral studies in Management and Public Policies. Teacher and Researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí campus. Coordinator of the Master's in Public Administration and Manager of Research at PUCEM 


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