Planning of public green areas and its impact on the recreational activities of citizens

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Luis Terán-Viteri
Wayky Alfredo Luy-Navarrete
Jesús Merino-Velásquez


It is important and necessary to provide technical information that serves to describe the current urban ecosystem of a sector of the city. Based on this, the objective of this research was based on analyzing what is the implication in the planning of public green areas in the recreational activities of citizens specifically in the Febres Cordero parish in Guayaquil. A cross-sectional descriptive and correlational and non-experimental methodology was applied; with a sample made up of 119 homes in which a survey of heads of household was used as an instrument, in terms of the results, Cronbach's alpha validation and reliability tests were carried out with a value of 0.87, proving to be suitable for its application. , subsequently the respective tests were carried out on the variables through the chi-square test method to determine the level of relationship between them, giving as a result that the significance value is less than 0.05, that is, 0.001, therefore, it was rejected. the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis was accepted, that is, that the planning of green areas is significantly related to recreational activities.


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How to Cite
Terán-Viteri, L. ., Luy-Navarrete, W., & Merino-Velásquez, J. (2023). Planning of public green areas and its impact on the recreational activities of citizens. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 688-700.
Author Biographies

Luis Terán-Viteri, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Architect, urban planner graduated from the University of Guayaquil in 1984, graduated from a Master's degree in 2013, completed my university teaching career from 2005 to the present in the Computer Center of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the University of Guayaquil in the subjects of statistics , computer science and graphic design 

Wayky Alfredo Luy-Navarrete, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes - Perú

PhD in Educational Administration 2017 

Graduate School of the César Vallejo University of Piura. 

Master of Business Administration ESAN Full Time Reg.15-941 

Bachelor in economy. National University of Piura. Economist. National University of Piura. 

Professional Association of Economists of Piura. Reg #0255. 

Diploma of Recognition of the College of 

Economists of Tumbes, as a member of the Commission for the creation of the School of 

Economics from the National University of Tumbes. 

National Assembly of Rectors – ANR 

Second Prize in Research of the North CRI – Co-author 

Jesús Merino-Velásquez, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes - Perú

Academic Degree of Bachelor in Administrative Sciences, issued on 09-18-1985 by the National University of Piura. Professional Title of Bachelor of Administrative Sciences, issued on 12-15-1988 by the National University of Piura. Master in Economics with a mention in Business Management issued by the National University of Trujillo, issued on July 20, 2001. Doctor of Administration, issued on May 18, 2010 by the Inca University Garcilaso de la Vega. Specialist Diploma in Public Investment Projects, held in the City of Tumbes, organized by the La Molina Agrarian University and the School of Continental Management, developed from October 13 to December 08, 2006. Scientists.


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