A possibility of socialization of knowledge mediated by tests in pairs

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Nilson de Matos


The purpose of this work is to present the results of an investigation carried out by Professors of Mathematics, in a group of students of secondary education of a public school of Mines Gerais, Brazil that included methodological modifications in the evaluation of the learning by means of written tests carried out in even: their objective was to develop the evaluation like learning moment. You coincides with Moretto (2010) in that the test evaluativa should be learning moment but, like evaluation instrument, not always facilitates it. Looking for the improvement of the process, Pironel (2002) and Coelho (2008) they carried out investigations with tests in couples that, although they offered considered satisfactory results, they didn’t develop the dialogue among students, very important interaction so that it happens the learning (Viana 2002). The present investigation shows as the dialogue and, as consequence, the learning, they happen in tests carried out previously in chosen couples by the students and elaborated with different texts so the available time was insufficient to carry out them individually since its solutions demand dialogue and socialization of knowledge. It was observed that this methodology, when provoking the dialogue for the change of informations, develops the test evaluativa like learning moment.


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How to Cite
de Matos, N. (2017). A possibility of socialization of knowledge mediated by tests in pairs. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 2(2), 12-19. Retrieved from https://593dp.com/index.php/593_Digital_Publisher/article/view/18


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