Evaluation of the mining sector and its impact on the GDP of Ecuador, period 2019 -2021

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Juana Alexandra Jácome-Pilatasig
Carolina Estefanía Enríquez-Jaramillo
Francisco Marcelo Caicedo-Atiaga


Although Ecuador maintains a mining potential, it has not received the corresponding support so that the activities are properly channeled and it is considered a strategic sector that contributes to the country's productivity. Legal instability has limited foreign investment, and this situation in recent years has generated a problem of low levels of contribution of this sector to the Gross Domestic Product (PIB). Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the impact that the mining sector had on Ecuador's PIB, from 2017 to 2020, which established the degree of correlation between the indicators of liquidity, indebtedness, management and profitability of mining companies and the Ecuadorian PIB through the analysis of the financial statements exposed in the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance corresponding to the years of study through a quantitative methodology of correlational scope. The results obtained showed that PIB had an impact on liquidity, however, indicators such as country risk were added, which showed a relationship with liquidity and indebtedness, and inflation with the management indicator. Therefore, it was concluded that the integration of national economic indices denoted the influence of the sector and its dependence on direct economic stability to absorb international capital, which contributes to the growth of the national PIB.


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How to Cite
Jácome-Pilatasig, J. ., Enríquez-Jaramillo, C., & Caicedo-Atiaga, F. . (2023). Evaluation of the mining sector and its impact on the GDP of Ecuador, period 2019 -2021. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2-1), 354-366. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.2-1.1792
Author Biographies

Juana Alexandra Jácome-Pilatasig

Juana Alexandra Jácome, of Ecuadorian nationality, born on February 14, 1993, has a third level title, she is Finance Engineer, Public Accountant and Auditor from the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, the fourth level title is Magister in Accounting and Auditing with a mention in Tax Management from the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, her work experience is in the Municipal GAD of Latacunga in the Management Unit of the First Stage Sewerage Master Plan, the position of "Financial Administrative Responsible". 

I have worked in the position of General Accountant in the public sector in the Latacunga Fire Department in the position of General Accountant, as well as in private sector entities. 

Carolina Estefanía Enríquez-Jaramillo

Carolina Estefanía Enríquez Jaramillo, of Ecuadorian nationality, born on April 23, 1983, has a third-level degree in Business Engineering from the Equinoccial Technological University UTE, academic development within the area of taxation and new reforms dictated by regulatory entities, with professional career in the financial accounting area in companies of the Ecuadorian strategic mining sector with five years of experience in the industry. Current position in which I perform Financial Coordinator of the Luminex group. 

Francisco Marcelo Caicedo-Atiaga

Econ. Francisco Marcelo Caicedo Atiaga, Mba, Mfc. of Ecuadorian nationality, Candidate for a Doctor in Economic and Social Sciences from the University of Carabobo, Venezuela, Master in Business Administration from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Master in Corporate Finance from the University of Viña del Mar Chile, Diploma in Business Management University Learning from the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, Economist from the Central University of Ecuador. Associate Professor of the University of the Armed Forces ESPE in the Finance and Auditing, Accounting and Auditing Career. Director of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Thesis. Postgraduate Professor in the Master of SMEs. Former Manager of the Public Drinking Water and Sewage Company of GAD Latacunga. He teaches subjects such as Stock Market, Financial Administration I and Financial Administration II, Microfinance, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Corporate Finance, among others at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Former professor at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, and the Indoamerica University. He has participated as a speaker in talks to the staff of the Superintendence of Companies regarding the Stock Market. 


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