B2C e-commerce as an internationalization strategy for SMEs focused on the textile sector

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Valery Susana Matute-Celi
Xiomara Milene Viñansaca-Eras
Marcela Etelvina Capa-Tejedor


The textile sector is the second most important item of the Ecuadorian economy, however, it presents problems to enter an internationalization process, for this purpose the B2C electronic commerce model is presented as an alternative to offer products and services in international markets, without the need to have a physical space in another national territory. Consequently, the following work was established as an objective to analyze B2C electronic commerce as an internationalization strategy for SMEs in the textile sector, through documentary review. It is research with a qualitative approach and descriptive scope that applied the historical-logical, inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic and systematization methods. The results obtained through the processing of information from other research works and the application of a survey to 11 SMEs in the textile sector indicate that the B2C channels the exit to the international market through its different sales modes that allow them to obtain international expansion, increase of market share, digital export and that most textile SMEs are unaware of the B2C model, however they apply social networks but are not focusing on their internationalization process. It is concluded that B2C enhances the internationalization of SMEs through the facilities and digital tools it provides.


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How to Cite
Matute-Celi, V. ., Viñansaca-Eras, X. ., & Capa-Tejedor, M. (2023). B2C e-commerce as an internationalization strategy for SMEs focused on the textile sector . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 428-439. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.3.1719
Author Biographies

Valery Susana Matute-Celi, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I’m a graduate of the International Trade Degree at the Universidad Técnica de Machala. Proactive and responsible, I have attended ExpoFairs, Congresses and Webinars related to International Trade, in order to obtain knowledge for future application.

Xiomara Milene Viñansaca-Eras, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduated from the International Trade career of the Universidad Técnica de Machala (UTMACH). I have attended expo fairs, seminars and webinars, in order to acquire greater knowledge in the management of international trade, currently owner of a commercial establishment.

Marcela Etelvina Capa-Tejedor, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7279-0115 Doctor of Jurisprudence and Lawyer of the Courts of Justice, Diplomas, Master's Degree in Teaching and Management in Higher Education and Master's Degree in International Trade Law. Author of scientific articles, co-author of the book "Cloud Computing for SMEs", member of research and outreach projects on foreign trade legal issues, professor at the Technical University of Machala, Foreign Trade career.


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