Comprehnesive Reparation Mechanisms for Victims of Traffic Accidents with Injuries Of Up To Three Days

Main Article Content

Byron Edison Flores-Mier
Ricardo Wladimir Morales-Vela


This article deals with traffic offenses that generate a physical disability of up to three days in the body of the victims. The reasons that motivated the study of this subject is because there is no regulated article in the Organic Integral Penal Code, as well as in our Organic Law of Transit, Land Transportation and Road Safety that punishes drivers who by their negligence or imprudence when driving a vehicle produce physical injuries to passers-by of up to three days of disability The main points of analysis in this work are: 1- The guiding principles in traffic offenses with injuries of up to three days; 2- Impunity in this type of offenses; 3- Traffic offenses conceptualized in national and international doctrine; 4- Conceptualization of negligent offenses; 5- Definition of physical injuries; 6- Recklessness and negligence in traffic matters; 7- Integral reparation in traffic offenses. The main objective is to analyze the doctrinal theoretical postulates of the above mentioned topics and their due study within the legal system in Ecuador. The methodology used has a qualitative approach that will use a legal analysis of the complaints or police reports that have come to the attention of the Prosecutor's Office, where through the respective reflective analysis and the points of view investigated determine the conclusions and solutions to the issues addressed.


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How to Cite
Flores-Mier, B. ., & Morales-Vela, R. (2023). Comprehnesive Reparation Mechanisms for Victims of Traffic Accidents with Injuries Of Up To Three Days. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(3), 268-282.
Author Biographies

Byron Edison Flores-Mier, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Doctor of Jurisprudence and Lawyer of the Courts of Ecuador. 


Specialist in Criminal Procedure Law. 


Diploma in Constitutional Law. 

Ricardo Wladimir Morales-Vela, Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Degree in Public and Social Sciences 


Doctor in Jurisprudence  

Specialist in Jurisdictional Guarantees 

and Constitutional Oversight 

Master in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure 


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