The effect of covid-19 on cocoa prices in the province of Santo Domingo de los tsáchilas-equiateur

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Myrian Inés Cuji-Tipantasig
William Fabián Teneda-Llerena


This research work focuses on the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 on the purchase and sale prices of cocoa in the province of Santo Domingo, whose main objective is to analyze the effect of COVID-19 on prices (purchase and sale) of cocoa in the province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas-Ecuador. The research is mainly of a quantitative nature for the design and interpretation, an agro-productive database was obtained from the Agricultural Public Information System (SIPA), which helped to carry out different statistics, of bibliographic modality, at the same time the data contributed to know the results, so that the factors that influence prices can be identified, likewise models collected historical data of socioeconomic variables the sector that allowed mathematical calculations such as time series, and linear regression models to be able to identify the effect of the COVID-19 on cocoa prices, reaching the conclusion that there are significant differences in cocoa prices.


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How to Cite
Cuji-Tipantasig, M. ., & Teneda-Llerena , W. . (2023). The effect of covid-19 on cocoa prices in the province of Santo Domingo de los tsáchilas-equiateur . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(2), 60-71.
Author Biographies

Myrian Inés Cuji-Tipantasig, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Student of the Technical University of Ambato Faculty of Administrative Sciences Business Organization Career for graduating as a Bachelor of Business Organization. 

William Fabián Teneda-Llerena , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador 

Food Engineer, with Master's Degree in Strategic Business Management, Master's Degree in Statistics and PhD in Research Projects Environmental Research Line. Research professor since 1996 at the Technical University of Ambato. Author of several books and research articles in national and international journals. Consultant and National and International Expert in the productive chains of fruits, coffee and cocoa since 1993; France, Central America, Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador.  Winner of the contest X Prize of Ibero-American Studies La Rábida- International University of Andalusia Spain-2016-Technical Sciences Area.   


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