Ludic wooden box for the sensory development of children’s from 24 to 36 months

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Johanna Isabel Zambrano-Alcívar
Janileth Monserrate Acosta-Álvarez
Ximena Jamileth Mendoza-De La Cruz


This investigation refers to sensory stimulation in girls and boys, being of vital importance in the first years of the infant's life because he or she discovers and explores his environment through the senses, receiving the sensory stimuli that are provided, especially for the development of their visuomotor coordination, considered as the ability to coordinate vision with the movements of the body or its parts. The proposed objective is related to establish ludic strategies for sensory stimulation in boys and girls from 24 to 36 months. The applied methodology is based on the search for information from various reliable sources, under a mixed approach, using the inductive method, to identify the particularities of the phenomenon studied, framed in a descriptive study. Among the techniques applied, the survey of parents, the observation of infants and triangulation as a technique for contrasting information were used. With the findings of this research, it was corroborated that in girls and boys the importance of developing their senses is demonstrated and how crucial it is for the construction of their learning, the benefit that educators will receive to work in environments that encourage and stimulate their senses ; and, consequently, the parents who will be able to use these strategies from their homes in a different and fun way, sharing with the family through these activities and at the same time stimulating the senses.


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How to Cite
Zambrano-Alcívar, J. ., Acosta-Álvarez, J. ., & Mendoza-De La Cruz, X. . (2023). Ludic wooden box for the sensory development of children’s from 24 to 36 months . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(2), 232-244.
Author Biographies

Johanna Isabel Zambrano-Alcívar, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías - Ecuador

Master degree in education with a mention in communication, from Technical University of Manabi. Systems Engineer from the Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí University. Full-time professor at Paulo Emilio Macias Higher Technological Institute. Student of the Psychology career at Technical University of Manabi. 

Janileth Monserrate Acosta-Álvarez, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macias - Ecuador

Student of the career of Superior Technology in Integral Child Development of Higher Technological Institute Paulo Emilio Macias and Student of the career of Economics at Private University of Loja.

Ximena Jamileth Mendoza-De La Cruz, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macias - Ecuador

Student of the Higher Technology in Integral Child Development career of the Paulo Emilio Macias Higher Technological Institute.


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