Given animal sounds in the language development of children from 24 to 36 months

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Leicy Gaudelia Solórzano-Palacios
Daisy Jahaira Álava-Gonzales
Raisa Elaine Parrales-Zambrano


Through this study we wanted to present a series of characteristics of children's language in the period between twenty-four and thirty-six months of age, which have emerged from an investigation carried out with children from the Child Development Center " Happy smiles”. The most important deduction provided by the work carried out has been to highlight above all the importance of the environment and communication in the development of language in children during this stage of their lives, since it is a time of experimentation and of internalization at the cognitive level of those linguistic structures that are shown around it. Although it is true that traditional strategies have given good results in early childhood education, it is important that there is a variation of these techniques in language teaching, that take advantage of the innate learning of children such as imitation; for which an innovative support material is proposed that stimulates the child to improve their oral expression by imitating the different sounds of animals that they hear daily. Oral language is a regulated system, very complex. It allows an exchange of information through a certain coding system. It is not the only one, but thought is structured, invented and recreated with it; regulates interpersonal relationships, the subject's own behavior and permeabilizes the child in the sociocultural environment in which he is immersed. Its development is the result of the interaction between the biological bases and the physical and social environment that surrounds the child.


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How to Cite
Solórzano-Palacios, L., Álava-Gonzales , D., & Parrales-Zambrano, R. (2023). Given animal sounds in the language development of children from 24 to 36 months . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(2), 222-231.
Author Biographies

Leicy Gaudelia Solórzano-Palacios, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías - Ecuador

Degree in Philology, Magister in Pedagogical Education. Teacher of 7 years in higher education and a 1-year teacher of secondary education. 

I have published 6 scientific articles, 1 scientific report and academic dossier. I have made a presentation. 

Daisy Jahaira Álava-Gonzales , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías - Ecuador

I am 22 years old, currently a student of the Integral Child Development career at the Paulo Emilio Macias Higher Technological Institute, 5th semester course and I do my pre-professional practices at the CDI "Sonrisas Felices".

Raisa Elaine Parrales-Zambrano, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías - Ecuador

Student of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías, I am 25 years old and I am the mother of a 5-year-old boy. I am in the fifth semester and I am doing my pre-professional internship at the CDI happy smiles of the 24 de Mayo city.


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