Food security through family farming

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Aracely Celina Sanchez-Albores
Irene Aracely López-Sánchez


The present study described the problem of the use of the cultivation of fruits of family farming in the town of Mina and Matamoros (San Pablo Tamborel) in the municipality of Teapa, Tabasco, the methodology used was based on a descriptive-analytical study with a mixed approach in the 14 agricultural producers participated, corresponding to 25%, of which 80% were male and 20% female, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 22.89%. A structured questionnaire was applied in four sections with 100 items validated by experts in the area. In conclusion, the fruit production of the mentioned locality showed a productive behavior of a smaller scale, due to important factors among them the agronomic management of fruit trees before and during production, the result that was obtained in relation to this problem is due to the fact that 8 % fertilize, 12% prune, 30% use traditional techniques, 10% control pests and diseases and 40% none and regarding the use of fruits as part of food security 56.52% is for self-consumption, 10% feed for farmyard animals , 10% homemade industrialization and 23.48% sell it at a very low price and in a very competitive market, in the same way the contribution of women to agricultural production is essential, since it represents 43% of the labor force in the sector in developing countries Salazar and Muños (2019), in addition, the participation of women in fruit agriculture in the studied locality is 62.57%.


Keywords: food security, fruit production, use of fruits


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How to Cite
Sanchez-Albores, A. ., & López-Sánchez, I. . (2023). Food security through family farming. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1-1), 309-316.
Author Biographies

Aracely Celina Sanchez-Albores, Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS de la Región Sierra, Teapa, Tabasco-México

Doctor in administration, full-time research professor, sni level 1, since 2015 i have been dedicated to research, i am a leader of the academic body, desirable profile, teacher of various subjects according to my profile, published various articles and book chapters , experience as a reviewer of scientific articles in indexed magazines.

Irene Aracely López-Sánchez, Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Agropecuaria/ Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico agropecuario # 93, Tacotalpa, Tabasco-México

Professional profile master's degree in administration with emphasis on the human factor, researcher, article preparation, academic assistant director, institutional director and experience as a reviewer of scientific articles in indexed journals.


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