Management of the quality and productivity of the collaborators of the industrial sector of Tungurahua: an empirical approach

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Katherine Elizabeth Coca-Gaibor
Javier Edisson Vasconez-Rodriguez
Mario Fernando Sigüenza-Espín


The purpose of this work was to examine the impact of total quality management (TQM) practices on attitudes related to employee productivity, such as job participation, job satisfaction, professional satisfaction, and organizational commitment of employees. of the industrial sector of Tungurahua. The paper proposes and tests 4 hypotheses about the relationship between KM practices and work-related attitude. The results indicate that training and education have a significant positive effect on labor participation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Empowerment and teamwork significantly improve labor participation, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Continuous improvement and problem prevention significantly improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Customer focus does not contribute to job engagement, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, or organizational commitment. The study was unable to assess the broader dimensions of CG practices. It is concluded that, managers should be aware that KM practices have a positive effect on employees' work-related attitudes (such as job participation, job satisfaction, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment).


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How to Cite
Coca-Gaibor, K. ., Vasconez-Rodriguez, J. ., & Sigüenza-Espín, M. (2023). Management of the quality and productivity of the collaborators of the industrial sector of Tungurahua: an empirical approach. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(3), 931-939.
Author Biographies

Katherine Elizabeth Coca-Gaibor, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduated from the Organization career 

of Companies 

Javier Edisson Vasconez-Rodriguez, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduated from the Organization career of Companies 

Mario Fernando Sigüenza-Espín, Universidad Tecnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Bachelor of Administrative Sciences 

Marketing Manager  

Master in Socio Productive Project Management University professor and Professional in the business field Private Sector as Consultant and Trainer 


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